Well-known member
That just isn't how cruising works. A boat in Titchmarsh or the Twizzle may set out on a rising tide to get to Ipswich on free flow or the Deben before ebb. Nobody is going to go hunting around for the WFYC racing calendar to see if their slot is not available because some dinghies are racing. The channel is as much a channel for yachts as an area of water for dinghies, and competence and care are required from both parties.Sensible yachtsmen have adjusted times of departure for tides, weather and other factors for years. Giving them information on t8mes of racing gives the opportunity to have a stress free departure shoukd they choose to so.
On the other hand if you can depart entirely under sail upwind on starboard tack, then feel free to depart when you want. But if motoring, on port tack or upwind boat then as give way vessel under ColRegs you may need to do a lot of giving way,