I am moved by the comments regarding Thor Heyrdahl to ask, who are the modern day heroes and heroines?
Do they match up to those of past generations and are they the same kind of people?
Lately, there has been a great deal written about the exploits of the racing sailors such as Ellen MacArthur and Pete Goss etc etc. While their achievements are admirable they don't fall into the same category as those of sailors such as Hiscock, Tilman or Sir Alec Rose.
I think that the difference is in the manner of their adventures. Once upon a time more was written about exploits which were part of people's lives and in telling their tales they offered inspiration and advice to their readers.
While Ellen can offer much inspiration by accomplishing a great deal with a large vessel despite her small size I have no inclination to emulate the kind of success that she has had.
So who are the latterday Tilman's and Hiscock's? Or are there so many of them out there now, that it is impossible for individual's to stand out?
Can you name some modern day heroes, for ordinary cruising folk, who will one day inspire the same feeling as Thor has done today?
Do they match up to those of past generations and are they the same kind of people?
Lately, there has been a great deal written about the exploits of the racing sailors such as Ellen MacArthur and Pete Goss etc etc. While their achievements are admirable they don't fall into the same category as those of sailors such as Hiscock, Tilman or Sir Alec Rose.
I think that the difference is in the manner of their adventures. Once upon a time more was written about exploits which were part of people's lives and in telling their tales they offered inspiration and advice to their readers.
While Ellen can offer much inspiration by accomplishing a great deal with a large vessel despite her small size I have no inclination to emulate the kind of success that she has had.
So who are the latterday Tilman's and Hiscock's? Or are there so many of them out there now, that it is impossible for individual's to stand out?
Can you name some modern day heroes, for ordinary cruising folk, who will one day inspire the same feeling as Thor has done today?