Mirror Offshore: Scrap or Save?


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30 May 2001
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Re: What I would like to know is.....

Greetings "Mainsail". All is not lost! A Mirror Offshore without the Volvo is a poor thing. In any event to change to an out board the motor must come out. This is hard because of the limited space but do it if you can. Remove the block and have it "stitched". A firm in Northampton did mine some years ago, it is not a heat treatment but it will need a rebore afterwards. Cost about £90 for stitching and a new piston at about the same price. Take great care of the shims under the cylinder block as these are your adjustment for compression ratio when rebuliding. You have one of the few purpose built small marine diesels and they will, like the boat outlast, the owner. Mine lasted a further 15 years after treatment and I regret parting with the boat. The Volvo is a very comforting engine and took me upstream on the Rhine, no small feat! Good luck.

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27 Dec 2012
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Mirror Offshore


Im not sure how old this thread is but. Im looking at a Mirror offshore for sale at £1500 and is based in the South West on the river Dart And just wanted your thoughts on the Mirror Offshore. It is apparently in great condition and been used quite regularly and is only for sale due to the needing a larger craft for his larger family. :)
I have a couple of photos of the outside but none of the inside as yet due to the guy not being internet savvy. And The yacht has been advertised by a close friend of his. He says its been well looked after and all the insides have also been well looked after as well has all original items in full working condition and the inboard was overhauled just over a year ago.
I know that other than the cost of the craft I will have to pay for insurance. (what can I expect that to be?) as will as Dart Harbour licence which is payable for the year and by the meter. and of course the yearly mooring fees. But apart from that can anyone think of anything else.

I did a couple of boat handling courses about 20 years ago So hope that they will come in handy As at that time I was going to buy a boat as I used to dive a lot. but owning a boat never arose at that time. However now time has progressed and so has my health which is not to great but I think well enough to do a few weekends here and there. in fair weather I think. Plus the settings should be quite relaxing?
I just wanted your thoughts on the Mirror Offshore as a starter craft and my plan in general (how hard is she to sail and such thngs.?)

Regards Os.


Well-known member
22 Apr 2004
Portchester, Solent
Congratulations on finding a 9 year old thread and welcome.
Dylan of this parish has cruised fairly extensively in a Mirror Offshore, I believe he had something of a love/hate relationship with the engine if not the boat...
Here are some of the details he posted... Brochure also see some of is films, (search for KTL).
If the boat is for sale at £1500 make sure you don't pay that much, and be certain that the engine is in reasonable nick before commiting.
There will, I'm sure, be lots more advice forthcoming.


Well-known member
13 Jul 2002
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An MD1 with a cracked block and Dylans with a fooked gearbox could have made one good engine. The other boat could have been fitted with some extra ballast and an outboard.

Pity they missed each other by 8 years or so


11 Dec 2010
Here there and everywhere
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Nothing's impossible !

I have it on good authority that the slugs 'fooked gearbox' and gearchange have now been fixed for the ghastly sum of £ 75.00.

A replacement Elastomuffle exhaust has been sourced and purchased and is just waiting to be fitted.

So you see nothing's impossible.


Well-known member
13 Jul 2002
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I have it on good authority that the slugs 'fooked gearbox' and gearchange have now been fixed for the ghastly sum of £ 75.00.

A replacement Elastomuffle exhaust has been sourced and purchased and is just waiting to be fitted.

So you see nothing's impossible.

Good news about the gearbox. What was wrong with it do you know ?

I was always worried that some of the earlier repairs, esp to the engine mounts, might have caused some misalignment that lead to the gearbox problem .. not so presumably.

Mistake on my part suggesting that the Elastomuffle was replaced with a bit of hose when that failed.


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20 Feb 2004
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Someone who refurbishes car engines will be used to welding cylender heads, probably at a cost of less than £100.
Otherwise get a outboard, 6hp evinrude will push boat along OK but a 10hp or max 15hp would go faster.
Probably not worth a new engine as you would never get your money back on resale.

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When I was a kid, my Dad Used Wonderweld on a cracked block in the forties - it held up for years until he sold the car.


New member
14 Oct 2006
- up to my neck in it.
There were those amongst us that suggested at the time that the repair would not be that pricey or difficult. The cone clutches jam (thrust washers worn?) & the operating levers break as fairly common failure modes.