Does anyone here have a clever and proven method/trick for stopping mirrors de-silvering, all mirrors seem to suffer this problem eventually, there must be a solution?
Does anyone here have a clever and proven method/trick for stopping mirrors de-silvering, all mirrors seem to suffer this problem eventually, there must be a solution?
All good suggestions, I was thinking maybe a couple of coats of West epoxy on the back of a new mirror would do the trick!
I probably would have used epoxy myself in preference to Hammerite on those sextant mirrors - but at that time Hammerite I had, and epoxy I had not ...I'm pretty sure that epoxy will work better than hammerite... Going to try it myself as have the same problem
epoxy I had not ...
I bought a cheap sextant some 10 years ago - one reason it was so cheap was that it's mirrors had turned to patchy glass !
I duly cut some new mirrors from the girl-friend's cosmetic case...
Don't put Steradent in the locker behind the mirror.
A two week cruise with a denture wearer buggered my mirror.
Use steel mirrors. Any "silvered" mirror is going to be susceptible to the the effects of damp.
Are sextant mirrors not surface silvered?