MG Club 19?


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2 Aug 2018
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Picking up our MG Club 19 on Saturday.
She is being lifted out the water onto a fantastic launching trailer ready for the next 6 months work to get her ready for next season.
If anyone has any details on the lifting keel version of this little boat we would be very greatfull.

Here's a link to some photographs of the boat - Segue


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2 Aug 2018
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Re: Club 19 - Literature Please

Hi I am desperate for any literature on the club19.
I now have mine and have started work on the small hole in the transom and have re seated the mast.
I would love to get my hands in details of the boom rigging and any details on the rigging in general.
Many thanks and apologies if you have given this info out previously .

I have owned and sailed/raced a fixed fin Club 19 for a number of years, they are great little yachts and sail well with a crew of three, I also set her up and was sucsessfull with her singlehanded.
They were built in Glasgow by a company called Marine Glass and seem to have been popular little cruiser racers.
If you live in the north Owen sails have the dimensions and Westerly in the south for replacement sails, I do have a copy of the original sails literature which I could scan and post on this forum if anyone is interested.
Mine is currently laid up ashore as I purchased a bigger yacht for family reasons and suitability and intend to work on heer at the end of the season before offering her up for sale.
All in all a great little boat


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20 Sep 2013
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I also have a club 19. I''m new to sailing and would appreciate any advice regarding the set up. I currently can be seen sailing around and around cardiff bay!

Hi Just bought one this year and been across to cardiff twice from weston-super-mare.

Cute boat and quick.

Kind regards



27 Mar 2006
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My first boat was a Club 16, I sailed at Rutland water. Great fun, we dry sailed year or two then kept her on a swinging mooring. I spent many nights on board, usually the only person on the water. She taught me a lot about sailing though I never raced. She had a red hull was called Popcorn, bought her from Graham Biggs and then had some sailing lessons on my 'big' boat ( previously only crewed on an Enterprise ).
We (it started off as my Dad's boat ) renamed her Halfar, and later on I very successfully painted the very badly faded hull grey. We took her up to Scotland to loch Tay one summer for a couple of weeks and the incessant rain raised the level of the loch about 3 feet so instead of tying up to the jetty we had to beach the boat and tie it to a tree.
We sold her and then got an Evolution 19, a fabulous little boat.
Never seen another Club 16, it was very similar to the 19, rather looked like the 3 foot length difference had been chopped off the front of the 19. A ridiculously wide beam for a very short boat, rather overpowered for singlehanded, which is what I did most of the time, and I had nothing led back to the cockpit.
With no lifelines it was a bit hairy, and I had the rudder bolt shear one time in a bit of a blow so the rudder got stuck with the blade up., just in the water. Interesting to try to come in to the jetty when steering needed both hands and all my strength. We were not allowed engines on Rutland. Good times though.
One time when the wind dropped completely when I was the other side of the lake from the club I took a rope, tied it to the front and swam the boat back to it's mooring - of course swimming in Rutland is also forbidden...

Dafydd Rhun

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26 Jun 2023
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Club 19 sales literature

This is the copy of the copy of the sales literature, there are a few scribbles from the previous owner on there, not sure how accurate it is.
Interesting to see overlapping genoa in contrast to other posts, I suppose it all depends on how you find the set up best.
Hello, not sure if this thread is still going, can’t find any literature on the MG club 19, if at all possible would love to see a copy! My email is would be very grateful
Kind regards


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22 Aug 2023
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Hello all, similarly to @Dafydd Rhun - hoping this forum is still on the go! I've just picked up a Club 19 which has lay dormant under a tree for 11-years. I'm currently in the process of recommissioning/rebuilding it but it's missing quite a few bits and pieces - namely the rudder and tiller and the lid/cover at the bow of the cockpit. If anyone has any measurements for these (fixed/fin keel) I'd be very grateful! I'm not even sure how to go about replacing the cover/lid but I'm thinking of making one???
And any information about the wee tubs would be great too! Details seem to be thin on the ground...


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22 Aug 2023
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Doh! I meant STERN, not bow!!
Hello all, similarly to @Dafydd Rhun - hoping this forum is still on the go! I've just picked up a Club 19 which has lay dormant under a tree for 11-years. I'm currently in the process of recommissioning/rebuilding it but it's missing quite a few bits and pieces - namely the rudder and tiller and the lid/cover at the bow of the cockpit. If anyone has any measurements for these (fixed/fin keel) I'd be very grateful! I'm not even sure how to go about replacing the cover/lid but I'm thinking of making one???
And any information about the wee tubs would be great too! Details seem to be thin on the ground...
Doh!! I meant STERN, not the bow!!

Pearl Seeker

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2 Apr 2024
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@Dafydd Rhun @AnniePB
I am in much the same position as you and need help with information. Should be launching my club 19 next weekend. If you still need the diamentions I can get them for you. Did you make the anchor well cover? I am thinking of doing the same. The boat has come with out spars rigging or sails so I desparat;y need dimentions. Any help would be much appreciated. John


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15 May 2024
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Hi All
Have recently purchased a club 19 with a lifting keel, lifting keel system is not easy to use, its a block and tackle rope system so need to replace it with something which is a bit more user friendly, was thinking about putting in a manual cable winch to do the job, would be interested in knowing what other club 19 owners have done with the lifting the keel and how easy their lifting system is to use. Many thanks David