Now if I have got this right I should have some animated gifs. Looked at everyone else's impressive offerings and decided that it was time to learn how to do it.
You *have* downloaded the animated gif if you've saved it onto your computer. Drag the icon of the gif onto an open Internet browser window, and you'll see it move. Opening it will normally give you a flat gif view however, unless you've done clever things with your preferences for Gif images.
You can't edit or view an animated gif with a normal picture editor though. You need special software to do it. Do a google search on 'animated gif editor' and download one of the freebie ones. I found a good one, but it's one another computer and I can't remember the name.
In the animated gif editor, you can open the gif and suddenly you will see all the images that make it move.It's a bit like the old 'flip' cartoons where you pulled your thumb across the pages to make the image move.
<font color=blue>You must save a GIF as a GIF and not as anything else. The GIF architecture is owned by Compuserve (AOL) and does not become public domain until sometime next year. There are programs out there that can change it to say a JPEG but to buy the rights to do so from Compuserve (AOL) is too expensive for most firms to buy.</font color=blue>
Didn't realise that I had downloaded it. I do have PSP 7 Anniversary Edition and also amination shop. Just opened that and set association for gif and then resized it all in about 30 seconds.
Had just been too thick to realise that I had downloaded all the frames when I was looking at it in Paintshop, thought I only had a single image. Only needed a prod in the right direction.
Oh no what have you started with these animations? Wait till Haydn gets up and we'll have 'em all over the place. Probably about 2 oclock this afternoon.
Tasteful discrete white lights have been the "in" thing on the continent for 30 years, coloured lights in germany and holland on a house or in the window, denote a whorehouse, seriously!!