Mariner 8HP Sailmate - propeller problem


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30 Jul 2001
Sutton Coldfield
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I have touched on this problem in a previous thread but have had no response.

About two years ago we bought a new Mariner 8HP Sailmate for our Hunter Delta 25, being particularly attracted by the claims of high reverse thrust. This is achieved by mounting the prop on a splined shaft which allows it to slide backwards when operating in reverse gear. This has the effect of redirecting the through-prop exhaust gases so that they exit from the front thus allowing the prop to operate in clean water as well as reversing the thrust provided by the exhaust gas stream.

This appeared to work as claimed but after less than 20 hours the prop had moved backwards on its rubber bushing about 5mm relative to the inner bronze bush so allowing exhaust gases to escape forward even when in forward gear. Although Mariner (EP Barrus) claim not to have experienced this problem before, they replaced the prop twice under warranty over the last two seasons. However the problem re-occured each time and they have now supplied us with a standard non-sliding prop.

Has anyone else come across this problem with this prop/engine?

As far as I know the Mariner 4HP Sailmate does not use this system, neither does the equivalent Mercury (10HP?) Sailpower nor, indeed, any other brand. That being the case do these other brands have inferior reverse thrust or do they use some other way of improving reverse performance?

Comments would be appreciated as ideally we would like to revert to the sliding prop to regain the reverse thrust feature but not unless there is some solution to the problem.


Can't answer your technical queries as I have a Mariner 8HP without that system. Please be assured that the reverse thrust is diabolical so it is best to fix your system. We actually find it faster to jump in with a rope and swim than use reverse gear....