Many question from Newbie


New member
4 Feb 2003
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Hi All,

Since I'm a newbie for saiiling and will have a lot of question would like to ask:

1. Could you tell me what is the vertical peanut shaped device that always can see on the upper part of the mast? (some kind of antenna?)

2. I have a Yamaha 26 that suppose can run at 6 knots maximun speed.
But somehow, I can only do it at about 5.2 knots on average even get enough wind. Is it becuase of the sail not trimmed correctly?

3. GPS question, I have a Garmin 76 and set a waypoint to navigate. My course is at 090 and already heading to the waypoint. But the "To course" on the GPS showed "46" degree. Could you tell me what is the "To course" in here mean?

Thanks for all comments in advance.


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12 Oct 2001
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1. The 'peanut' at the top of the mast is most likely the radar reflector. This is a passive device and simply makes the vessel more visable on other radar screens. An essential piece of safety equipment in my view.

2. With regard to boat speed, assuming the engine is ok, the difference in speed is likely to be caused by weed on the hull and keel. Even with modest growth you can expect to loose a knot off of your optimum speed.

3. I havent got the GPS you are refering to but this may be refering to the 'course to steer' that you shold me making to meet your waypoint compared with the ' course over ground' that you are ACTUALLY making.



Well-known member
30 Nov 2002
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I am not an expert, but I once had a similar problem with my GPS and it was because I hadn't allowed for the 1hr summertime, plus 1 hr GMT difference because of living in Norway. So is the clock in setup set to the right time? If it is then I am sure some of our Yotties will have an answer.


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16 May 2001
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there are 2 likely explanations to your odd course:

a) you screwed up the waypoint entry (ok, but it has to be a possibility)

b) there are various courses which may be displayed:
BTW is bearing to waypoint, that should be your 090 (if it's not, (a) applies!)
CTS is course to steer, this is not the course direct to the waypoint but a course to bring you back onto the straight line track from your starting point to the waypoint. the further you are from the track the sharper will be the turn the gps demands (distance from track is XTE - cross track error)

a much less likely possibility is a wrong magnetic variation figure in the setup

a magnetic object neat the compass could also be to blame!


The instruction manual for GPS should provide the answer. If i remember the GPS model you are asking about correctly, you are talking about the BRG bearing which is the straight line bearing from you present position to your waypoint, and the course to steer bearing which is the course you need to steer to arrive at the waypoint given the current effect wind and tide is having on our boat.

The questions you have asked give me the feeling that the answers are best found by doing a course such as day skipper, which will give you a good grounding in navigation, bits and bobs on boats, what affects their speed etc.
