Looking for Marine Electrician Essex coast


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24 Sep 2020
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I don't know if this is the right thread but I am looking for a marine electrician, I am located in Burnham, Essex. If you know of someone give me a message and I'll be in contact.
This is one of the only jobs I don't feel confident in doing myself as I have 0 experience and would like my part wooden boat to not set on fire :)
I have asked the marina, but they are fully booked for a couple of months.

I am looking to set up:
-solar and wind which I have and have all the bits for
-shore power

I also think most of the electrics are close to being original, so a peak to let me know if anything needs replacing, as I'm not too sure about it. The set up is pretty rudimentary so hopefully it wont be a slog!

If you're the person for the job or know them, send me a message!
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Well-known member
24 May 2012
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Rather than posting here you should get a bigger response asking on the East Coast Forum or Reader to Reader.

French's of Brightlingsea could be a good starting point and I know they have branches in a number of Essex Sailing Centres.

Think Paul - Rainbow operates out of Shotley.

Hope this helps.