Oh bu66er......got a week on the boat planned for july/aug. May abort mission and fly somewere hot if it doesnt pick up.
Is it just me or does it not even feel like summer /forums/images/graemlins/confused.gif
I hada weekend planned this weekend - was averaging 3/4 for the last 2 weeks so had still planned to go - today a day before hand its suddenly jumped to a 6/7 gusint 9 on sunday - so having to abort - thats only one cruise Ive been able to do this year so far and that turned to a 5/6 on return leg and was not comfortable ... who arranged this weather stuff anyway!!!! /forums/images/graemlins/mad.gif /forums/images/graemlins/mad.gif /forums/images/graemlins/mad.gif
Yep me too. Done at least 3 out of 4 weekend all year round but weather report so bad for this weekend I may give it a miss. May spend sunday looking for a holiday for my jul/aug week instead. /forums/images/graemlins/frown.gif
And this is the same Met Office that was predicting a 'hotter than average' summer a few weeks ago and are now predicting cooler and rainier weather. The 'hotter than average' summer will arrive in September, I guess
It amazes me that anybody believes the same people who cannot accurately predict the weather in 2 months time when they pontificate about climate change in 2 decades' time
To be fair to the Met Office, predictions for 2 decades ahead bear no relation to predictions for 2 days or 2 months and, I suspect, are no more reliable.
However, you can be sure that whatever the weather, cool, hot, dry, wet, windy, still, average, it will all be due to global warming.
I think its worse than that - blimmey they struggle getting the next day correct.
I think its worse now than ever - too reliant on computer models. Much better when it was a 'art' and the bloke looked at the isobars and trends and even lbothered to look out of the window.
You struggle to get the wind speed and directions on the BBC now let alone a chart......
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Haven't you noticed that the term "Global Warming" isn't currently being used? We are back to Climate Change now.
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Haven't you noticed that the term "Global Warming" isn't currently being used? We are back to Climate Change now.
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Thats because Gordon does not need to increase taxes at the moment!!!!
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Haven't you noticed that the term "Global Warming" isn't currently being used? We are back to Climate Change now.
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Some folk spotted the missing "warm" bit of the weather and didn't want their funding cut?
I know it's a different science but my point was that if the weather is so difficult to predict over a 2 months period then it must be infinitely more difficult to predict over a 20yr period and therefore any predictions by climatologists concerning the effects of man-made global warming, if it exists, are to be taken with a very large pinch of salt
You're right about weather events. I saw the BBC science correspondent on the box the other week responding to viewer criticisms that the BBC were actively promoting the ideaology of man made global warming without questioning the science behind it. He responded that the BBC had accepted that global warming was occuring and that it was caused by human activity and that it was the job of the BBC to raise awareness of this issue at every oppurtunity. So much for the BBC's obligation to provide a balanced view on any subject
Yup, the BBC has completely dumbed down their weather forecast programming since that stupid but very colourful map of the UK appeared. There was a viewer outcry at the time about the lack of wind information and the BBC's answer, in their typical arrogant fashion, was that they would show wind arrows when they thought it appropriate. I see that wind arrows are shown more often these days so maybe the message is getting through but as for synoptic charts, forget it. You even have to search a bit for them on the Met Office's own site
Agree. the BBC has no business accepting or rejecting any hypothesis, only to report it. Unfortunately, it has more and more become a propaganda machine.
As for terminology, I regard "global warming" (if it exists) as a worldwide event and "climate" as local.
Regarding accuracy, it is my understanding that if you forecast that tomorrow will be the same as today, you will be right about 70% of the time. That is about the same accuracy as the Met Office!
We put aside 4 weeks in June to get to grips with some extended cruising for the first time. First we went over to France (we were Channel 'Virgins') to Fecamp from Brighton, intending to visit a few more towns. Got stuck in Fecamp for a week - fogbound. Fecamp is very nice for a short break but after a few days there's only so much sea food you can eat...
Came back to Brighton in the mist and fog (good practice though) when we saw an opportunity.
After a wash and brush up we set off for the West Country instead, intending to go to Falmouth and then work our way slowly back east. Reached Poole on our first day, and, you've guessed it, trapped for a week in the wind and rain. Nice place Poole, but a week in the marina is too long.......................
Managed to make a break for it and got to Dartmouth. Lovely place Dartmouth but, again not a lot to do after the first day or two. Again windbound and rainbound until yesterday, when we found a small hole in the weather and scuttled back to Brighon in a force three - then four - then five. 150 nm non stop - and now parked on the visitors pontoon because someone's in our berth! Pahh!! Three places in three weeks, not at all what we envisaged. Ah well, maybe next time....
I think this is good news. Forecasting the weather more than a few days ahead is a precarious activity but forecasting a month ahead is impossible. The number of times I have planned cruises based on a forecast 20 days ahead only to be disappointed has lead me to conclude that there is a clear correlation between a long range forecast and the opposite actually happening. So cheer up!