Lochmaddy Marina Update


6 Jun 2017
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Hi all, a bit of a long post but just to confirm say that in 2022 Lochmaddy Marina is back in action and will be as you would intend to find it. We had some difficulties last year that I do fully realise and accept caused quite a lot of frustration. For that we are genuinely sorry.

2020 was not a good year as you know due to Covid. As such, not much could happen in terms of progressing the marina and it’s offering due to the restrictions. At the same time, in 2021 and as a result, a lot of factors had created a perfect storm to present to the boating community a marina that was not as fit for purpose as you or we would wish to find it.

Additionally and prior to 2020, a change in the management structure had been forced upon Comman Na Mara (CNM) through retirement and poor health. CNM is a local Lochmaddy based charity and they own and manage the marina, yet they were ill prepared for the 2021 season due to the loss of experienced people and the above reasons.
2021 therefore saw a lot of (quite rightly) disgruntled visitors as we had water and electrical faults and no marina attendant or even a website to provide updates. As I say, a perfect storm that wasn’t anyone’s fault, but we all suffered as a result. For those affected or upset by this we are truly sorry.

However, the CNM board did not sit still. They appointed a sub committee to run the marina, recognising its value to both the local and boating community. They have been determined to resolve the issues faced last year and we are all pleased to announce that for the 2022 season the marina will be fully functional.

Seasonal maintenance has already started with a chain and anchor inspection. We have repairs to make to the electrical and water installations and they shall be completed shortly.
Under the direction of CNM, the marina is once again being run by people with a passion for both the sea and boats. We know what is required for you to enjoy your time with us and despite being managed by volunteers – we all have day jobs – we are committed to your stay with us being a great one.

Keep an eye on social media and / or our blog for updates as we progress and also lookout for the pier works described here. There is a lot of work going on in the background also to update outdated information on the internet and the website is also up and running - it still needs some tweaking - but we will keep Facebook, the website and Twitter up to date.

It’s good to be back this year and we look forward to welcoming both old and new faces to Lochmaddy Marina, which as you can see below, is set in a stunning location. Keep in touch, we will do all we can to assist if you do visit - and we hope you do. I'm here if you have any questions. All the best and here's to a good season, Scott. :)



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8 Apr 2007
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Hopefully we'll check it out this year as we've not been there since the three HIDB visitor moorings sat there!


Well-known member
10 Nov 2008
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The trouble is that Lochmaddy marina isn't really a marina at all. It's an installation of pontoons which are fine in good weather. In a strong wind with any east in it, it isn't sheltered at all. Calling it a marina is both dangerous and dishonest.
There was a well forecast gale, a few years ago (the one where the oil rig under tow went ashore on Lewis) and several yachts, expecting safe shelter, chose to tie up to the pontoons at Lochmaddy. They got into all sorts of problems. We were anchored a few miles away, and were perfectly fine.

It's good that improvements are being made to the facilities, but please don't think it is a marina.


Well-known member
27 Aug 2002
west coast of Scotland
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The trouble is that Lochmaddy marina isn't really a marina at all. It's an installation of pontoons which are fine in good weather. In a strong wind with any east in it, it isn't sheltered at all. Calling it a marina is both dangerous and dishonest.
There was a well forecast gale, a few years ago (the one where the oil rig under tow went ashore on Lewis) and several yachts, expecting safe shelter, chose to tie up to the pontoons at Lochmaddy. They got into all sorts of problems. We were anchored a few miles away, and were perfectly fine.

It's good that improvements are being made to the facilities, but please don't think it is a marina.

Dangerous and dishonest?
Any harbour, anchorage, marina or boatyard can be problematic in the wrong conditions- you well know the decision to go or stop anywhere in a boat is the skippers decision and if he makes a bad one then hell mend him.
Saying a harbour is inherently unsafe or dangerous in a “well forecast gale “while blowing off about your own seamanship sounds pretty lame to me...


Well-known member
10 Nov 2008
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Dangerous and dishonest?
Any harbour, anchorage, marina or boatyard can be problematic in the wrong conditions- you well know the decision to go or stop anywhere in a boat is the skippers decision and if he makes a bad one then hell mend him.
Saying a harbour is inherently unsafe or dangerous in a “well forecast gale “while blowing off about your own seamanship sounds pretty lame to me...
Where did I say anything about my own seamanship?
I have nothing against the pontoons at Lochmaddy, except for the installation being called a "marina". Visitors to the area, without local knowledge, might assume that a "marina" would be a safe choice in bad weather. Stornoway and Lochboisdale have marinas. Lochmaddy merely has a sometimes useful pontoon.


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3 Feb 2004
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I too have some sympathy with the concern over the nomenclature of “marina”. A great visitor pontoon in most weather, but to be avoided if the wind and waves coming straight in. Hence Lochmaddy Pontoon fits better, and the term I use.
Perhaps only Stornoway and Loch Boisdale are full all weather havens, though very grateful for all the various facilities across the Eilean Siar.


Well-known member
10 Nov 2008
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You are correct, you didn’t and I apologise.

I still don’t agree the marina is dangerous - any more than any other boat parking place
Apology accepted.
Have you ever been in Lochboisdale marina or either of the marinas in Stornoway? How would you compare the shelter in these two places, with the pontoon at Lochmaddy?


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20 Oct 2004
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I've been there, like it, & will go again. I appreciate that it's there. It doesn't have perfect shelter, but the community has done the best it can with their geography, available funds & local workforce/volunteers. These small remote places need all the breaks & income they can get. I'm not complaining about what they call themselves. They'll get my custom & support regardless. If the electricity or water are temporarily off, no complaints from me as I understand the difficulty of getting thinks fixed there. I extend my thanks to the Lochmaddy community for their efforts.


Well-known member
8 Apr 2007
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The trouble is that Lochmaddy marina isn't really a marina at all. It's an installation of pontoons which are fine in good weather. In a strong wind with any east in it, it isn't sheltered at all. Calling it a marina is both dangerous and dishonest.
There was a well forecast gale, a few years ago (the one where the oil rig under tow went ashore on Lewis) and several yachts, expecting safe shelter, chose to tie up to the pontoons at Lochmaddy. They got into all sorts of problems. We were anchored a few miles away, and were perfectly fine.

It's good that improvements are being made to the facilities, but please don't think it is a marina.
What rubbish. Like all marine facilities, it is up to the skipper to judge where to go and in what conditions. The pilot books, their website and even a cursory look at the chart, indicates it’s not suitable in easterlies.

Like so many other sports these days, hillwalking, skiing and sailing, it is too easy for people to access situations which are way beyond their skills and knowledge. It is not down to what an installation is called. A lot of the blame could be put on social media where every pic is sunny and wonderful so the inexperienced all want to go for the ‘Instagram’ shot.

Tarbert Harris Marina, Tobermory Harbour (not just a Marina but a harbour, that’s even safer… init) are two that are unpleasant or unsafe in easterlies also, so are you complaining about them?


Well-known member
10 Nov 2008
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What rubbish. Like all marine facilities, it is up to the skipper to judge where to go and in what conditions. The pilot books, their website and even a cursory look at the chart, indicates it’s not suitable in easterlies.

Like so many other sports these days, hillwalking, skiing and sailing, it is too easy for people to access situations which are way beyond their skills and knowledge. It is not down to what an installation is called. A lot of the blame could be put on social media where every pic is sunny and wonderful so the inexperienced all want to go for the ‘Instagram’ shot.

Tarbert Harris Marina, Tobermory Harbour (not just a Marina but a harbour, that’s even safer… init) are two that are unpleasant or unsafe in easterlies also, so are you complaining about them?
Sorry, but I don't see how what I said is rubbish. What I said about the pontoons at Lochmaddy is demonstrably factual. All that I'm complaining about is the term "Marina", but I'm willing to accept that the original and former meaning of the word has been diluted. The danger is that the uninitiated might assume that "marina" means marina.
Maybe we need a new term of "All Weather Marina".


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13 Jul 2006
Historic Dockyard Chatham
Sorry, but I don't see how what I said is rubbish. What I said about the pontoons at Lochmaddy is demonstrably factual. All that I'm complaining about is the term "Marina", but I'm willing to accept that the original and former meaning of the word has been diluted. The danger is that the uninitiated might assume that "marina" means marina.
Maybe we need a new term of "All Weather Marina".

I don't think there is much danger of the uninitiated sailing to Lochmaddy :)


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2 Dec 2014
N of Ardnamurchan, winter South of Oban
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Where did I say anything about my own seamanship?
I have nothing against the pontoons at Lochmaddy, except for the installation being called a "marina". Visitors to the area, without local knowledge, might assume that a "marina" would be a safe choice in bad weather. Stornoway and Lochboisdale have marinas. Lochmaddy merely has a sometimes useful pontoon.
I agree.