Bringing 50' motor cruiser back from Brundel in a couple of weeks. Having read the pilot for Yarmouth which describes the place of little short of boating hell with officialdom intent on the destruction of anything short of comercial supertankers, could somebody please advise:-
1. Which is the best way to get from Brundel to the open sea. having spent 30 years on the Thames my love of inland waterway Hitlers, rowing boats and dingy sailors with nowhare to go is sorely worn out. Is ther a viable alternative to Yarmouth. (we're going south and want to get off the broards asap).
2. Is it possible to get fuel at about 08:00 in the morning.
3. Speed limits.
4. Bridge limits and times (airdraft about 5m).
All I'm after is a reasonably stress free run from the yard to the open sea where we can get on and do our thing.
Thanks in anticipation,
<hr width=100% size=1>What do you mean the sea gull in front's walking !!!
1. Which is the best way to get from Brundel to the open sea. having spent 30 years on the Thames my love of inland waterway Hitlers, rowing boats and dingy sailors with nowhare to go is sorely worn out. Is ther a viable alternative to Yarmouth. (we're going south and want to get off the broards asap).
2. Is it possible to get fuel at about 08:00 in the morning.
3. Speed limits.
4. Bridge limits and times (airdraft about 5m).
All I'm after is a reasonably stress free run from the yard to the open sea where we can get on and do our thing.
Thanks in anticipation,
<hr width=100% size=1>What do you mean the sea gull in front's walking !!!