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Nostrodamus..........Now....I know who you are....simples.......Blogless
SSShhhhhhhhhhh... don't tell anyone.
Nostrodamus..........Now....I know who you are....simples.......Blogless
While I was blue-water cruising I kept a yachting blog with its own, very obviously yachting-blog domain name (it started before the days of free blogging sites). At one time it was getting enough hits to give it a high Google profile. After I stopped cruising and adding to it, naturally the number of hits tailed off, and last year I decided to end it when the ISP raised the (admittedly modest) annual subs.
Now I find the domain name has been resold and is being used to advertise a clothing company! That despite the inappropriateness of the name. Did I miss a trick here? Anyway, apologies to anyone who has recently tried to access the site which I listed earlier in this thread. Honest, it's not my deliberate spam.
While I was blue-water cruising I kept a yachting blog with its own, very obviously yachting-blog domain name (it started before the days of free blogging sites). At one time it was getting enough hits to give it a high Google profile. After I stopped cruising and adding to it, naturally the number of hits tailed off, and last year I decided to end it when the ISP raised the (admittedly modest) annual subs.
Now I find the domain name has been resold and is being used to advertise a clothing company! That despite the inappropriateness of the name. Did I miss a trick here? Anyway, apologies to anyone who has recently tried to access the site which I listed earlier in this thread. Honest, it's not my deliberate spam.
Ahoy,Hi newby here ? I am looking at a boat at present, it is moored in France I would like to look at potential yearly rentals in somewhere warm, cheap ( but with some quality of life) with flights from Aberdeen ( for the Mrs)