You obviously can't read.........or you deliberately ignored the word 'successful'
Still, enough! I can't spend my life correcting lack of understanding in lesser mortals. Sorry, must go - that might be Ian on the 'phone!
<hr width=100% size=1><font color=blue>A convert to steel boats and displacement cruising - the only way to go</font color=blue>
learning outcomes,
"War On Terror"
"positive" discrimination being seen as better than plain vanilla discrimination.
Suggestions that 20 - 30 men messing about with a replica of an inflated pigs bladder for an hour and a half has any significance to anyone other than those directly involved.
Non-committal risk assessment culture.
Oh, and scousers - Borris got it right! /forums/images/icons/shocked.gif
Every time a boat is mentioned on a news programme or newspaper article it's always a "luxury" yacht regardless of whether it's Mirabella or a 22' Westerly.
You know the fools who think/believe (I do not know which, but both are wrong!) that it is normal practice to circumnavigate the entire roundabout in the left hand lane.
To you people, pull your head out of your arse and learn to drive, you fools.
But surely that is not 'english' - it is 'American', they just call it english.
Hence: eggplant (aubergine); hamburger (beefburger); french fries (chips); candies (sweets); moose (we don't have them); ship by truck (deliver by lorry); driveways (pavements); parkways (roads?).
What really gets up my nose about America is not so much its culture and foreign policy (both of which I personally abhor), but the way that our own British culture is being diluted and bastardised (note no 'zee' there), and that our children are being indoctrinated into assuming the language, culture and values of America. Sadly I believe the same is true for many other cultures around the world.
There is a lot of discussion here in the UK about independence or otherwise from Europe - yet somehow we seem to be allowing ourselves to become culturally annexed to the States. [rant mode *off*] [apology mode *on*] [starting flak avoidance procedures]
>And that from a Welshman, what is the world coming to....
>I am surprised that you have managed to meet them all in order to make such a >statement.
Blimey the gloves have come off haven't they. What did a previous post say about insults?
Anyhoo, I must side with the canine contingent in this argument - the IT profession seems to have a very warped sense of 'Success', and many organisations (note most companies following this path are now struggling badly) seem to think that their customers should fit in with the needs of their IT system, and not the other way around. How many times has an 18 yo teletosser told you "the system won't let me do that", "We can't let you have that info - the system only does ..... [insert stoopid reason here]". Banks like Abbey who have followed this path are now going broke, however the government can get away with it because we don't have a choice.
Spending 18 BILLION pounds of hard earned (by the taxpayer that is) taxpayers money on an NHS computer system is not funny, is not even slightly outrageous, it is criminal - you can design, develop and build a bloody aircraft carrier or 10, or a sizeable squadron of stealth bombers for that. Lord knows I've got no sympathy for most government organizations who are given no incentive to be efficient and are generally lazy and wasteful, but they could do without rediculous things like this.
And the dog is right - there is not, has never been a successful large IT venture ever. Success of course meaning that it met the customers requirements, improved efficiency and profitability for the client. Of course the IT industries idea of success is - "yee haar we just made pots of cash by unloading this pile of shite on another unsuspecting customer who is now going to have to take our incredibly expensive support service for the next decade"
Ooooh cannot resist agreeing with you. Before I escaped I worked in IT for a major UK company (in fact I was there before the terms 'IT' and 'megabyte'were invented) and I shake my head sadly when consultants get mentioned. As for the Andersen 'Androids' wise old boss told me when he retired to never let one through the door or we'd never get rid of them!
The proposed NHS system will be a total disaster, it is simply not do-able. Lots of IT people will get rich on the project at our expense, and it will not work.
Correction. Its less 'there is not, never has been a successful large IT venture ever' more that you haven't heard of them. Why? Because only the failures make good copy for the British media. And where there are 'failures' one of the principal causes lies with the users themselves who a) didn't know what they wanted b) resented and even rejected the attempts of IT professions to help them make their minds up and c) repeatedly changed their minds once development was underway. Nowhere is this more true than in the public sector where the short-termism that is the mark of modern government means that requirements change on almost a weekly basis. Trust me. I've been there, done that - but thankfully now retired.
So back to the subject of this thread - what gets up my nose? Sweeping generalisations such as yours and the Daily Mail mentality that is only happy when it is rubbishing anything it can for the sake of a headline. End of rant.
<hr width=100% size=1><font color=blue>I have a cunning plan, My Lord......................</font color=blue>