Well-known member
I am not a lover of the water scooter and the people who use them (Yes old biased Fogie) sailing out of South Shields sailing club many years ago, all was well and quiet, DFDS ferries and wash in shallow water was interesting in dinghies but a nautical hazard. Saturday afternoon 'the Scooters' arrived towed by 4*4 'American trucks' blocking slipway and causing chaos. Once on the water - Oh Dear! absolute chaos.
Fast forward a decade plus, taking Grandchildren to School, along comes a parent, whizzing along the pavement on an electric scooter (unlicensed), child stood on board, scattering parents and children into the road. Who is more dangerous? Who should be licenced?
We (The UK) allegedly have less accidents at sea with no requirement for 'licences' than the continent who do. So is education the way forward? You cannot eliminate the idiots - they have been too well educated. The consequences of licencing are 'We need an Agency to Administer' Employ numpties that do not understand (DEFRA / MCA we cannot maintain boats - just PAY) they need more Numpties to increase their grade and salary, taxes go up, the non productive state sector increases.
It is my opinion that introducing compulsory licences will kill the industry, my children learnt in Mirror Dinghies, progressed to performance dinghies. They learnt navigation when on a Yacht, they attempted unsuccessfully to convert me to the 'computer says ( Chart Plotter)' but learnt the basics. I would trust them more than many certificate holding zero to heroes, the boat 'talks to them'
Regulation by beaurocratic numpties with no understanding is a costly dead end. Typical public sector, we need to do something, we have done something, we have done our job - back slaps all round. See MGN's from 2 years ago, if you g aground in soft mud (East Coast Sailors beware) you have to pay to haul out and inspect.
Fast forward a decade plus, taking Grandchildren to School, along comes a parent, whizzing along the pavement on an electric scooter (unlicensed), child stood on board, scattering parents and children into the road. Who is more dangerous? Who should be licenced?
We (The UK) allegedly have less accidents at sea with no requirement for 'licences' than the continent who do. So is education the way forward? You cannot eliminate the idiots - they have been too well educated. The consequences of licencing are 'We need an Agency to Administer' Employ numpties that do not understand (DEFRA / MCA we cannot maintain boats - just PAY) they need more Numpties to increase their grade and salary, taxes go up, the non productive state sector increases.
It is my opinion that introducing compulsory licences will kill the industry, my children learnt in Mirror Dinghies, progressed to performance dinghies. They learnt navigation when on a Yacht, they attempted unsuccessfully to convert me to the 'computer says ( Chart Plotter)' but learnt the basics. I would trust them more than many certificate holding zero to heroes, the boat 'talks to them'
Regulation by beaurocratic numpties with no understanding is a costly dead end. Typical public sector, we need to do something, we have done something, we have done our job - back slaps all round. See MGN's from 2 years ago, if you g aground in soft mud (East Coast Sailors beware) you have to pay to haul out and inspect.