New member
The toilet leaks at the seawater inlet pipe connection at the back of the toilet. The pipe connection does not appear to seat firmly against the rubber washer. I can turn the pipe connection both ways by use of brute force and a screwdriver pushed up the pipe end. I would welcome advice on how to tighten the pipe connection against the rubber washer, assuming that is the cause of the leak. Do I continue to use brute force and, if so, which way do I turn the connection?
The leak does not endanger the boat as I have fitted a vented loop. It is just a nuisance having to mop up after the toilet is used. I would add that the connection has always been like it is now. Just another example of the slipshod work carried out by the boat supplier.
The leak does not endanger the boat as I have fitted a vented loop. It is just a nuisance having to mop up after the toilet is used. I would add that the connection has always been like it is now. Just another example of the slipshod work carried out by the boat supplier.