LBS - Again


Deleted User YDKXO

When you need it?

I like that.....'when you need it'. I suppose you mean you'll hire one for longer trips or holidays? That sort of pre-supposes that you wont sink on shorter trips? Mmmm...
As for your tender, I would'nt like to be sitting in mine in any sort of a sea.
I've done hiring short term myself and its a real buggeration. You have to go to the shop to collect it (when they're open), you have to haul it on/off your boat and these things are f......g heavy and then you have to go back to the shop to return it (when they're open) and then spend weeks arguing with them on the phone because they've got no record of having cashed your deposit but your credit card statement says different and then it costs about £100 a week to hire the bloody thing anyway. Who's to say that the hire raft is any more likely to float than a bought one?
Ok, say you spend £400 a year on short term raft hire. Compared to buying one at, say, £900 and spending £100 a year on servicing, my maths says you've broken even after 3 years and the raft is on the boat all the time


Re: two sorts of customer

But but...(bit too serious, this)'re "really rich" cos you have a massive boat. So ensure that they all get a go around the bay, and make sure the champagne is cold. Bacon sarnies party for lunch, or if it's the med it's dirt cheap anyway. they'll remeber you as the ONLY guy who buys them lunch.


Re: When you need it?

Ah. I've bought one, and then been (nearly) confronted with the servicing thingy. Thought long-term rental was at slightly less than a thirsd per annum, and being very lazy git I had hoped that renewal means they go get old one and put new one on board. Certainly wouldn't do the on/off thing.

Spose rental DOES make sense if (unlike u Deleted User) you are not sure if you're gonna keep same boat and config for some years? BarryD already likely to lose his upgrade bet, and prasp (if renty peeps are near) they cd rent a 4-man but ask for temp upgrade for bigger crew trips?

Final answer is of course that they are a complete waste of time...until you need it.


New member
10 Sep 2001
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DOH! Of course I sink to order <G>

Good point Mike. But I thought that Gludy was saying he only occasionally needs the bigger capacity? If I was planning to go out of sight of land often then I'd buy one from a flying shop - light weight four man life raft with canopy for around £650.

Barry D

Deleted User YDKXO

Re: When you need it?

No, I change boats more often than I change wives. Obviously, if you're like me and you start wondering what to buy next as soon as you've just bought a new boat and you leave the life raft on the boat every time, it doesnt make sense


Re: short-term contract

Wise advice. Marry each wife on short-term contract, expiring immediately upon requirement of liferaft, which is 1-man and purchased outright.


Well-known member
16 May 2001
Cotswolds / Altea
Horses for courses.....

If all you're doing is pottering around the Solent in the summer in daylight then I can't see the point in having one at all. Hardly as if you're alone! (More change of getting run down than drowning!)

Course if you take your boating slightly further afield then they're worth having.


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20 Jun 2001
Surrey, UK
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I think my skipper would object - he assures me that he know his way around CATS (live ones). Now if you knew how to cook and were blonde and nubile - oh hell SWMBO would object.


New member
16 May 2001
Just outside Budapest or In the Med (Corfu)
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Re: Weight

There's a rumour that one of the Royal Navy Aircraft carriers might be sold for scrap value soon! perhaps Gludy and Matts (sri Taxcollector) are cooking up something together ;-)
By the way Matts couldn't you find an even longer name just to make it even more difficult for the likes of my and my typing?