Well-known member
Don't ask me what I was looking for, but I came across this nugget on a RYA How-to-do-it webpage. It seems a long time since the forum split into 2 camps on this - I was definitely in the not-on-my-mooring-you-don't side.
If there isn’t a pick up buoy, the easy way to do it is to use a lasso. Take both ends of a long and heavy mooring warp and cleat them to the boat with ‘figure of eights’, which can always be undone even under load.
Pass the large loop of rope out over your bow roller and then back aboard over the rails. The foredeck crew should now divide the loop of rope into two even handfuls and, when the helmsman brings the boat to a halt, cast the rope out and over the buoy.
As the rope settles and sinks, back away from the buoy and the rope will pull tight around the chain beneath the buoy.