La Graciosa - latest entry requirements needed


New member
1 Feb 2007
Sailing in the Mediterranean
Visit site
Hello everyone.

Has anyone visited La Graciosa recently (last 6 months) and can advise on the latest entry requirements.

My research indicates that a form has to be completed and faxed/emailed to either anchor or enter the marina but this information seems dated so a recent visit update would be very much appreciated.

Thanks in advance,



Well-known member
15 Mar 2007
Visit site
Hello everyone.

Has anyone visited La Graciosa recently (last 6 months) and can advise on the latest entry requirements.

My research indicates that a form has to be completed and faxed/emailed to either anchor or enter the marina but this information seems dated so a recent visit update would be very much appreciated.

Thanks in advance,


Was chatting to another forum user in the new marina at Arrecife last new year. Im sure he asked at the marina office and they sorted it for him.

Lovely place, hope you get there!
13 Jul 2012
Hi we just did the trip from gib 6 weeks ago, there are loads of tuna nets out to about 40nm from the morrocan coast, would recommend keeping well offshore
great facilities in Lanzarote, I head back in 2 weeks have a great sail


Well-known member
11 Jun 2003
Isles of Scilly
Hello everyone.

Has anyone visited La Graciosa recently (last 6 months) and can advise on the latest entry requirements.

My research indicates that a form has to be completed and faxed/emailed to either anchor or enter the marina but this information seems dated so a recent visit update would be very much appreciated.

Thanks in advance,


we spent several weeks there back in January and as stated by Captainsensible we filled the forms in at Marina Lanzarote who then sorted things out, apparently. The forms get faxed to some office in Las Palmas and can take up to ten days to process but you don't actually get a permit as such. The marina office also phoned the harbour office at Caleta de sebo to confirm that we could go as we were not waiting for 10 days before going we were going straight away, all was fine, it was after all January and very quiet. in busier periods its more about controlling the numbers requiring a marina berth as there is limited availability on spaces. The anchorage is good is Playa Francesca and almost all other boats that had come through that way had not bothered with obtaining the so called permit. Some on arriving at the anchorage went to visit the harbour office (quite a long walk) to let them know they were there and then if later they wanted to go to the marina a space would be found. As you can guess its all a bit of a mess really and if you are going during a busy period do not expect to get into the 'marina'. They were in the slow progress of rearranging the marina pontoons last winter and although you may see lots of empty berths and think you have found a space not all had any cleats fitted so only go to a berth that you have been directed to. Of course they may have completed the work by now but I would put money on it not being so.

The so called form to fill in is online somewhere and I did have the link at one time but cant find it at the moment.

Phone numbers for the harbour master are : 0034 928842147 and mobile : 0034 618797190 Juan Pedro is his name

This link gives the info we gained at the time
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