Kudu is up for sale.


23 Sep 2010
West Sussex / Hants
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I remember that..........he wanted some votes(for him) discounted. Was it something to do with votes from people re-registering with another username and voting again?

Whatever the reason it was a very decent gesture and very honest of him.


and I have nothing against Nathan personally,

but the wind jobbie was donated for circumnavigating, while frankly the reason behind a prize escapes me; for 'services to sailing' Dylan Winter has done far more to promote the realistic but unglamorous aspect, shoal water sailing - he might be worth the odd ecology & ornithology award too.

RKJ has turned a bit corporate in recent years, but I'd think even he must be wondering; and if Nathan's got a UFO31 that hardly seems the Jester spirit, I somehow doubt it even qualifies ?

Who'll sponsor me to take my A22 across on the Mini-Ostar in the wake of 'Anderson Affair', 'Spirit of Talardy' and 'Anderson Adventure' or even round Britain ? Bu**er all, and that's how I'd expect it. :rolleyes:


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16 Sep 2012
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I do not think that Nathan achieved anything particularly noteworthy.

Not blowing my own trumpet, but I have done more, and I know people who have done much, much, much more - without feeling the need for self publicity - but that was before the YouTube age.

If you want to make comparisons, look no further than Roger Taylor's exploits on Mingming. This puts the 'inspirational' voyage of Kudu look a little silly.

My issue is not with Nathan, whom I believe to have more than a smidgeon of Walter Mitty about him, but with RKJ. How can a man who is - IMO, the world's greatest living yachtsman - allow his, and the name of his yacht to be associated with such a half arsed, ill conceived, ill prepared venture? And then, award a trophy for it!

Are there really, really no more deserving yachtsmen around?

i think that is a little harsh ,i have seen the exploits of nathan and kudu,he is a young lad and gave it a go you cant ask for more than that, and i have seen mr taylors journeys to the ice fields of yonder in mingming,totally inspiring,but the two really cant be compared,i thought they both had excellent merits and were both brilliant.


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29 Jan 2011
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and I have nothing against Nathan personally,

but the wind jobbie was donated for circumnavigating, while frankly the reason behind a prize escapes me; for 'services to sailing' Dylan Winter has done far more to promote the realistic but unglamorous aspect, shoal water sailing - he might be worth the odd ecology & ornithology award too.

RKJ has turned a bit corporate in recent years, but I'd think even he must be wondering; and if Nathan's got a UFO31 that hardly seems the Jester spirit, I somehow doubt it even qualifies ?

Who'll sponsor me to take my A22 across on the Mini-Ostar in the wake of 'Anderson Affair', 'Spirit of Talardy' and 'Anderson Adventure' or even round Britain ? Bu**er all, and that's how I'd expect it. :rolleyes:

Now you are comparing tomatoes to oranges.........Dylan is the main man.

as for spiffing.................a bit sarcastic and beneath you, imho.
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18 Aug 2002
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i think that is a little harsh ,i have seen the exploits of nathan and kudu,he is a young lad and gave it a go you cant ask for more than that, and i have seen mr taylors journeys to the ice fields of yonder in mingming,totally inspiring,but the two really cant be compared,i thought they both had excellent merits and were both brilliant.

Harsh words maybe and Nathan maybe the nicest chap you could meet but what did he achieve ? As I remember it he was a young lad who coastal hopped around in a small basic boat and gave up at the first hurdle when cash ran out . If he was really committed surely he would have taken any job to survive ? Bar work ....anything to kee him going ( his overheads could not have been great ) but as I understand it he gave up .


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16 Sep 2012
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Harsh words maybe and Nathan maybe the nicest chap you could meet but what did he achieve ? As I remember it he was a young lad who coastal hopped around in a small basic boat and gave up at the first hurdle when cash ran out . If he was really committed surely he would have taken any job to survive ? Bar work ....anything to kee him going ( his overheads could not have been great ) but as I understand it he gave up .

actually ,he achieved getting another person to be inspired and to go sailing ,myself.
and seeing mr taylor and mingming after i saw kudu and nathan inspired me even further to get involved.


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18 Aug 2002
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actually ,he achieved getting another person to be inspired and to go sailing ,myself.
and seeing mr taylor and mingming after i saw kudu and nathan inspired me even further to get involved.

So what actually inspired you that no other did until you came across Nathan ? Just interested .


23 Sep 2010
West Sussex / Hants
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Now you are comparing tomatoes to oranges.........Dylan is the main man.

as for spiffing.................a bit sarcastic and beneath you, imho.

taz, I use the term 'spiffing' all the time; maybe too much time among RAF types, though I was always an outsider I hasten to add.

Whether it was meant sarcastically is indeed for you to judge, but it was very nice - if misguided - of you to think sarcasm is beneath me !

I have to say I think Pans' People did more services to sailors & sailing than Nathan, but maybe that's thread drift too far.


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16 Sep 2012
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So what actually inspired you that no other did until you came across Nathan ? Just interested .

i saw two different sides of sailing ,the more serious adventurer with mr taylor and mingming and the madcap fun with nathan and kudu,it looks like a great life and a great sport to be a part of,i assumed wrongly that sailing was a rich mans game when in reality it can cost no more than buying and running a ford mondeo.
my thoughts were "that,ll do for me ":)


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11 Dec 2005
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Yes, inspirational blogging:

"It’s Roger Taylor’s fault. This ridiculous blog post I mean. It was while I was reading his book that it clicked. The thought that could well be the start of my demise is that the one and only difference between him and me, is that he has gone and done it. The only difference between me and Ellen MacArthur is that she has been and done it… and she’s a girl… and I don’t cry that much.

That’s it though isn’t it. The only thing stopping you is you. You need a great deal of experience to do what these people do, sure, but that’s a **** excuse if you’re trying to convince yourself that you can’t do it. Every single thing required to live the dream, I posses. I have intent.

Cold, harsh, brutal intent, and I intend to cross the Atlantic ocean in my 21ft Corribee. I must be dreaming, right? No. I know that it could well be a living nightmare, I know that I am going to have to spend a small fortune on the boat to make it ocean worthy, and I know that I am going to have to gain a huge amount of experience to do it, but I will. I have to.

So, my statement of intent. Posted here in public, because even the best of intentions sometimes need a kick up the arse.

I am going to cross the start line for the Jester Challenge 2010."


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29 Nov 2009
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but the wind jobbie was donated for circumnavigating,

Actually it was a prize in a video competition, the motive for which was that the competitors would solicit votes for their entries and thus publicise the Mr Vee vane. There was also an aspect of Nathan using it for the Jester, possibly gaining further publicity.

The seminavigation was already over by that point, I think (could be wrong).



23 Sep 2010
West Sussex / Hants
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Actually it was a prize in a video competition, the motive for which was that the competitors would solicit votes for their entries and thus publicise the Mr Vee vane. There was also an aspect of Nathan using it for the Jester, possibly gaining further publicity.

The seminavigation was already over by that point, I think (could be wrong).


I don't want to get drawn into slagging off Nathan as he's already done quite well, but there was the quote that the suppliers of said vane are ' spitting feathers '.

I admire Nathan for what he's done but I fail to see how it gets an award from the likes of RKJ, and a lot of people have gone unrewarded for sailing small boats much further - may I suggest the David Blagden Award ( as long as we ignore how he met his sad end ), The Mike Birch Award, there's quite a list !


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29 Jan 2011
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I don't want to get drawn into slagging off Nathan as he's already done quite well, but there was the quote that the suppliers of said vane are ' spitting feathers '.

I admire Nathan for what he's done but I fail to see how it gets an award from the likes of RKJ, and a lot of people have gone unrewarded for sailing small boats much further - may I suggest the David Blagden Award ( as long as we ignore how he met his sad end ), The Mike Birch Award, there's quite a list !

What was that and where? :confused:


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29 Nov 2009
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I don't want to get drawn into slagging off Nathan as he's already done quite well


Just re-read a couple of my posts which could sound a bit more negative than they were intended to be.

Never mind any "achievements", Nathan's an entertaining chap, and I'm genuinely disappointed that he doesn't write much these days. I hope he does end up taking the new boat somewhere worthwhile - and telling us all about it.



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23 Oct 2011
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Why are you trying to turn this in to a pi ss take thread?

Nathan is a genuinely nice guy, maybe that's why people wanted to help him as well as a bit of admiration for what he was trying to do.

I was not going to speculate on peoples motives for helping. Starting out myself it was just comforting to know that there are those out there willing to help. I dont know Nathan other than through the video series, but it could just as easily be that they wanted to get rid of him.

As for a Pizz take.. I am serious.. the boat exists and I did have intentions of buying it and sailing it back to Swansea.. I havent because it would be foolish for someone inexperienced to do so. I am sure that if I had posted a thread asking about it I would have many responses telling me it was a bad idea.. I am still saving for it, have joined a local club and getting in some experience as and when I can. So it may happen yet. I am also sure I would be greatful of any help along the way too.

As for admiring what Nathan was trying to do..
I believe raising his public profile for publishing purposes or other internet business was the intent.


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29 Nov 2009
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As for a Pizz take.. I am serious.. the boat exists and I did have intentions of buying it and sailing it back to Swansea..

Well, if you were coming past Southampton and needed a hand with something, I'd help. There doesn't have to be an ulterior motive :)



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10 Jul 2005
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I wish Nathan all the best with the successful sale and his next set of adventures. Never easy to sell something you have put a lot of time effort and perhaps emotional investment/memories into.
As to helping people- how else are they gonna benefit from outside experience teaching and wisdom? When Nathsn is old and knarly he too will be lending newbies a hand too, eh:)


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15 Feb 2005
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but the wind jobbie was donated for circumnavigating,
Correction The manufacturer found a way to put his product before a lot of yachty people and succeeded admirably by getting the busiest forum in the UK to support a contender. Marketing effort you can't buy.

Nathan fully intended to use the steering vane on Kudu, but his plans changed.
Don't your own plans ever change?


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14 Oct 2006
- up to my neck in it.
FWIW, anyone planning to buy their first boat might consider buying one in full commision & sailing with the former owner a few times to gain experience & to get to know the boat better.

When I got my first boat I was involved in the commissioning with the former owner & had a trip out with him before buying. He the agreed to help me sail her home (a 50 mile passage along an exposed lee shore). He spent most of the trip asleep below or making coffee cos I ddn't want to leave the tiller - I was having so much fun. But his presence was reassuring & he answered all my questions about the boat & its gear easily. That 12 hour passage gave me enormous confidence in the boat & my own abilities too. We also remained friends for many years after.