Know the weather conditions on your boat?


New member
31 Jul 2003
East Coast
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How about installing a small box on your boat that would send, on request, information relating to the local weather conditions. The information would be transmitted to the owners mobile as a text message.

The box would be connected to and use your existing weather sensors such as Anemometers, Temperature Sensors etc. The system could also be connected to existing alarm sensors.

I have developed and prototyped such a system and it seems to work very well. The price of the most expensive component has now dropped which makes me wonder whether I should put the system into production. I estimate the retail cost to be under £200.

Would you find this type of system useful? Perhaps you live quite a distance from where your boat is moored. Do you know of a system like this that already exists? Do you think boat owners would buy it?

Please let me know your thoughts.


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Well-known member
8 Jul 2001

This seems on the surface like a really good idea. However, the only weather monitoring instrument most people would be interested in would be windspeed - and an average over a period of time would be the only useful info - a 'snapshot' might catch a gust or a lull and would be of no use in making a decision to go to the boat or not. Temperature is not an issue. The pressure trend might be, but barometers are usually non-electronic analog devices.

The other downside is that it requires the instruments being left on permanently, which is a drain on the batteries. Might not be a problem for boats that leave a windgen running constantly, but could be for other people.

Could you incorporate a relay to turn the instruments on?

There are already systems which incorporate a webcam so owners can get pix of their boat and surrounding environment over the web. This seems like a more useful device, and could maybe be tied in with the new 3G picturephones?

- Nick

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Active member
27 Feb 2003
Hampshire, UK
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Given the gradual proliferation of web-based met stations, especially in the Solent (your largest market place) I'm not sure it would catch on. It would definitely be useful in more remote parts of the world, but you would have a smaller market.

There is a mobile-phone based alarm system already on the market, which looks interesting even to a Luddite like me, although I don't know its price. If yours will do this at £200 per unit then I think you have a product people will buy. Wind sensors, web cams etc. could then be a useful add-on, rather than a motivation to buy.

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New member
21 Aug 2001
Northland New Zealand
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In the Hauraki Gulf there are nowcaster systems which provide automated information over marine radio. I think they are attached to buoys at strategic locations.
One disadvantage in what you propose is that the cost to the boatowner is for the benefit of someone else until the system is widely adopted.
Give it a go --It might catch on.

Good luck

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