Kingfisher latest


11 Jan 2002
Caribbean at the moment
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I continue to receive stray broadcasts. Edited version of this raw text is at
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The days go by, and I’m beginning to feel a little less worried. But in fact, only a few hours go by before the conversation returns to the subject of the Southern Ocean. However, this is mostly because people keep sneaking up behind me every couple of hours and saying “woooh Preecy, we’ll be in the Southern Ocean soon, woooh!”

Actually, I have overheard the crew discussing “A Perfect Storm” which was apparently filmed in the Southern Ocean on a fairly calm day. Also, the lack of gravity causes the sea to fall upwards more readily, and the waves are much larger because the fetch around and around the earth is essentially infinite. Gulp!

Neale is bamboozling us all with his conundrums. He asked me how much extra rope you would need if you took a rope wrapped around the earth on a diameter and moved it a metre away from the earth all the way around. He wouldn’t tell me the answer, but said that it’s something to do with two pie-meters. I explained that there's no such thing as a "pie meter", and he must mean two meat pies.

Another time Neale asked me to go and ask Ellen for a long stand. I waited all night in the galley, while she went to look in her cabin. She must have stayed awake all night looking for them. Eventually she came out and said that she couldn’t find a long stand, and would a couple of skyhooks do instead? Neale say no they won’t do at all, and perhaps Bibi can help. I must say it feels a little chaotic. But secretly, they seem to be more cheerful and pleased to have me locate the essential gear that we’ll need along the way to the Southern Ocean.

As you can see, it’s all coming into place. I’ve only mentioned the Southern Ocean four times, and food just the once. Alight, I’ve mentioned food twice then. Well, three times now. Oh heck.


Well-known member
18 Jun 2001
In the far North
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can't wait for when they are all hot and sticky in the doldrums and have to start getting their kit off and inspecting each other for heat rashes and that kind of thing



Well-known member
19 Dec 2001
St Neots
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what do they want sky hooks for? Is it aids or are they using them as a form of protection? What they really need are friends, but I suppose the reception is shite there and they'd probably make a quantum leap of a couple of years when they eventually tune in? Will they eat him raw or cooked when they run out of pemmican?


11 Jan 2002
Caribbean at the moment
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Re: Coastal Quantum Physics - Theory

But sir! The Duffers Guide To Quantum Physics says that a "quantum leap" is actually the very smallest possible leap that it it possible to make! Is this true?


Well-known member
19 Dec 2001
St Neots
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Friends Quantum Mechanics

It is indeed, and this is of course illustrated by the leap between the 230th and 945th episode of friends, to the untrained eye all is as it appeared before. However going backwards is in fact the same as going forwards as noone really notices or cares!