Kempax Bigle Pumps


New member
16 Oct 2003
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My life cannot be terribly thrilling when I place a post on bilge pumps, but as a newcomer to the forum I thought it only fair to share some information on this rare breed.

For those who have one of these lurking in the bilges and you need spare parts fear not. Kempax of Sweden (fitted to many Swedish boats) have been bought by Johnson pumps ( and its now called the Johnson Viking pump. There was only ever one design although its in two formats (through bulkhead or not) but they have changed the colour from white to black but I understand that is the only change. Agents for Johnson pumps in Aquafax in Luton (very helpful) who supply spares as well as the complete units ( I have no interest in either company (just a desperate new boat owner) but they have been helpful.

as ever imho,


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