Just nipping to the chandlers.


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16 May 2001
I no longer live in Hope
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If I didn't know better I'd think Mr B had a bit on the side. Whenever I hear him say "Just popping along to the chandlers darling - won't be long", I know it's a minimum of 3 hours before I see him again. So I decided to go with him recently just to see what's occurring. It was full of "stepford husbands" wandering around fixated by everything except what they went in for in the first place. Then some of them would huddle in a group and discuss the innards of some gubbins or other. They'd pick up bits and pieces from the bargain bucket, have a quick look and feel and then utter "mmmm" before replacing it and picking up the next bit. It was a bit like watching a herd of Homer Simpsons in a doughnut shop.

On the plus side, I did get a new pair of Sebago shoes.

Pauline B


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16 May 2001
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Re: turnstiles and stepford.

Yes, but that's precisely what chandlers are for. If I owned a chandlery, I would have turnstiles and charge for entrance, becase most blokes just go in to look round.

Ah yes Stepford Wives. Such a fantastic concept, pity the technology never quite was up to it, though these days they should have made fixes for those bugs shouldn't they?


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10 Sep 2001
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To date allmost all of my boat shopping (charts, toys, books etc...) has been on-line. The only time I went into a chandlers I bought a floating key-ring. However I hope to be spending much time in there in the near future. At Chichester the Chandlers is in the same building as the pub...

Barry D.


Re: mmm chandlery

I used to love the chandlery shop, but eventually, around the time that I actually had more gear on board than they had in the shop, I stopped going. Mind you, this looks useful, eh? Do you see? It's one those you know wotsit grabby screwdown things like we have already but in stainless, so won't go in the least bit rusty plus a hook thing so it won't be on the floor like the original one that wee also have, the one that came with the boat...so you take that to the counter and er take this and this too, while I have a look at those almanac books to buy some more lightly-useful books of places we might go to, althou the I must admit that we would have already visted by blimmin private jet had we not spent 250 quid every time we walk past a chandlery shop...


Re: mmm chandlery

I figured out this year that for next season I should sell the boat and buy a chandlery. I could then spend all day in the chandlery and occasionally pop out and see a boat. The only change from this year would be the direction of cash flow...

Deleted User YDKXO

Dont fret, Pauline. Years ago, I could never walk past a chandlery without 'popping in' and then 'popping out' again a few hours later and a few hundred quid poorer. However, a while back, I started to find it was increasingly difficult to find more offerings to lavish on my pride and joy until now I actually cant find anything to buy anymore. My personal psychiatrist has termed this debilitating condition 'chandlery fatigue'
More than likely MrB will also contract this condition so worry not

Deleted User YDKXO

Oh yes, I recognise all those. Its cheered me up no end to find a fellow sufferer


16 May 2001
UK -Berks
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No worse than Obergruppenfuhrer Eileen who attends every Jumble Sale for miles around in company with Gaulieter Jill Folley (off High Spirits II) buying everything in sight with squeals of delight saying "this only cost me 10p" . It all ends up in the garden shed to be donated to another Jumble. The other thing they've both started doing is attending "Linen Sales" we now can't move for sheets, pillow cases and duvet covers. BUT!! God help me if I ask for one for the boat.... I get something the dogs have laid on after a romp over the farm.



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7 Sep 2001
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I also recognise a fellow sufferer is there any cure, used to love my chandlery visits, the guys miss me down at the "Chands" It keeps you out of the bar aswell!


Re: accumulated chandlery

When I emptied Amoureuse in preparation for sale, her top speed rose by two knots.
It was also very bad for my wifes car as it does not fit in the garage any more.

Of course none of the gear is surplus as it will all come in handy for the next boat.
However, I now have enough tools to open a branch of B & Q, am considering anti fouling the garage walls and can very clearly state the precise GPS position of my house if anyone wants to visit. Not sure what to do with the spare anchors, chain, parts for engines of several boats ago, duff float switches which I always meant to have a go at fixing - and there is always the nostalgic sort of diesely smell in the garage which reminds I am still boatless!

I think I'll pop along to the chandlers!



Re: accumulated chandlery

Nick, never mind the chandlers, its time you went to the Brokers, give the wife her garage space back! is a Princess 388 any good to you?.