Just got the bug and don't know what to do!


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16 Jun 2003
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Just got the bug and don\'t know what to do!

Hi all

I’ve been on holiday recently in North Wales/Port Dinorwick and now all I can think of is finishing my RYA Courses, buy a small boat and sail!!!
My plan is to take my Competent Crew Practical course first and while taking my Day Skipper Theory/Practical ones during the winter, to get a small trailer sailor and get it ready for next summer. My problem is that I can’t find any guidance on which second hand boat to get! What I want is a good/stable trailer sailor that I can tow to my car and take out every weekend and on holiday. Something with 16ft to 22ft and 2 or 3 berths, for me and my lady! I would also like to buy a boat that would enable me, as my experience develops, to make bigger crossings and even take me across the channel! I found some information on the internet but it’s all regarding American built small boats like the Com-Pac 19 (a favourite??!!!), the Nimbus, Precisions, Hunter 240 and they all seem impossible to find/buy around here. I found some for sale in the US though and at really good prices! Anything similar over here? Read about the new Cape Cutter 19 but at 18k is well over budget! I’m completely new to all this and all help and guidance will be more than welcome and appreciated.
Thank you very much

C A Martins

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Re: Just got the bug and don\'t know what to do!

start small and work up. don't worry what you'll want next season for more adventurous stuff, by the time you're ready for it your ideas will have changed.

sounds as though the sort of thing you need is a centreboarder around 20 ft. look through the ads in pbo to see what's around, talk to locals, maybe send for reprints of boat tests from pbo & ym.

here are a couple to look at: cornish shrimper, red fox. they may not suit you but it gives an idea of the variety that's out there.

You could do worse than a season in a wayfarer while you build up experience!

good luck.

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19 Sep 2001
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Re: Just got the bug and don\'t know what to do!

Welcome to the madhouse!
I guess you are where most of the forumites were not so long ago. Well, allright a long while ago for some.
I was lucky to live on the coast so trailerability was not a factor. My starter was a Hurley 22 with a long keel.
PBO ran a couple of articles last year which may help you with your choice of trailer boats. Issue 422 in February looked at ten boats, all around 23 feet. The following month (423) they had a look at the secondhand market and featured eight boats.
I don't know what your budget is, but these articles might give you an idea of expectations and a steer to begin looking around. You should be able to order copies on-line. Both were entitled "Choosing a trailer sailer"

Good luck!

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17 Jun 2002
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Re: Just got the bug and don\'t know what to do!

The corribee is an afordable boat with 2/4 berths. The twin keeler should trailer nicely.

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15 Aug 2002
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Re: Just got the bug and don\'t know what to do!

How long is a pice of string?

Get some sailing experiance crewing on a selection of other proples boats and see what you like and don't like.

welcome to the madhouse

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16 Jun 2003
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Re: Just got the bug and don\'t know what to do!

First of all thanks a lot to everyone for replying!
This sort of advice is exactly what i'm after.
As you all noticed I'm really new to all this. But I'll get there with time, hopefully!

I would love to get that experience but being part of a crew doesn't appear easy to achieve and most schools charge over the top for any trip in order to build up miles/experience! So I thought of getting a boat as soon as I can so that I get the experience I need. And I think that after a few weekends it pays itself! A weekend sailing is normally charged at £200.

Thanks everyone once again

C A Martins

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getting experience

try posting notices on this site, either in scuttlebut or wanted, for crewing.

i have used several crews from the internet, here and other sites. if you offer something more than just a request for a free ride you stand a good chance of getting some crewing.

those who are willing to do a bit of grafting are often welcome, give it a try.

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