Jim Baerselman


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31 May 2001
'ang on a mo, I'll just take some bearings
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Those of you with a longer memory will remember JimB who was frequent contributor here.

I'm sad to say he is no longer with us, his funeral was held yesterday.

Jim started out in the RAF, and graduated to become a test pilot, heavily involved in the development of the Harrier. Subsequently he led a multinational team that masterminded the design of the Tornado cockpit.

On leaving flying he started a dinghy sailing school in Greece, which morphed into one of the first flotilla sailing operations, Falcon. Other operators were absorbed and it became Sovereign Sailing. When Jim was ready to retire from the business it was bought by Barrie Neilson and continues today under Barry's name. Jim also served as Marketing Director of Brookes and Gatehouse, and was instrumental in the launch of the Yeoman Plotter.

Jim spent over 10 years as owner of an Oyster 406, which he sailed from the UK to the Med, enjoying a liveaboard life style. When he eventually sold the boat he bought a holiday home in the Peloponnese and started his website: http://www.jimbsail.info: A Sailor's Cruising Guide for Europe. The website is still up - his last entry reads "That's all for now folks!".

Jim was for many years a stalwart of the Cruising Association serving on several committees, as well as a spell as a member of Council - effectively a board member.

He will be missed.
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Well-known member
18 Jun 2011
Berkshire, UK
Thanks for that sad news. I had used the http://www.jimbsail.info web site but did not know Jim's backstory.

The name of Falcon rang a bell, and I find I have a "Cruising Guide & Log" under that name from a holiday ca. 1980. Including a sticker on a Crawford Perry invoice saying that they were to merge with Chancery Travel to form Falcon. I don't think I was aware of Sovereign Sailing.



2 Feb 2017
London/Baška Voda
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Thanks for that sad news. I had used the http://www.jimbsail.info web site but did not know Jim's backstory.

The name of Falcon rang a bell, and I find I have a "Cruising Guide & Log" under that name from a holiday ca. 1980. Including a sticker on a Crawford Perry invoice saying that they were to merge with Chancery Travel to form Falcon. I don't think I was aware of Sovereign Sailing.


Likewise, I didn't know Jim's background but love his website and so often found his comments scattered on forums or was led to his site by Google when the geek in me was researching our early bareboat forays into the Med. RIP

Deleted member 36384

Sad news indeed, he was interesting when it came to things about legislation, tax and stuff in the Med ports. He appeared to be a reliable source of information.

Thanks Twister_Ken for the short eulogy.


Well-known member
16 Feb 2006
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Sad news indeed. His advice on cruising in the Med has been invaluable for myself and for many of the friends with whom we have sailed. He has left a footprint in the sand.


Well-known member
22 Feb 2009
Greece briefly then Scotland for rest of summer
Yes, very sad. I referred to his website at the start of each year and found it very useful. I also exchanged a few emails and found him to be very friendly and helpful. I had hoped to meet him when we were near his place in Finikounda last year. I wasn't certain if he still lived there but the weather forced a quick move further along the coast. An opportunity missed.

My condolences to his wife Caroline.


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27 Dec 2004
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My sister spent three summers working for Falcon (later Sovereign) Sailing in the early 90's as a windsurfing instructor in the Med, and I made the most of this to go and visit for a week's holiday each year to try to improve my windsurfing.
Sadly though I never managed to do water starts, but almost....
At the beginning of each season they would have a training week in Cowes, and on the Friday (or maybe it was Saturday?) night at the end of the week they had a party.
I went to a few of these as well (I was living in Southampton then, so an easy trip across on the ferry), and they were excellent - one of the requirements in the job description was to be able to party enthusiastically with the punters (sorry, clients).
And all of the staff were invariably very good at this. An iron constitution that could cope with drinking raki and ouzo in large quantities was also very desirable (and necessary for survival).
Especially when one had to demonstrate flawless duck gybes the next day at work!
And at the end of the season there would be another excellent party in November (I went to a few held in Telford - with a good opportunity to visit Ironbridge) before everybody dispersed to different parts of the world for their winter jobs - some skiing, others sailing or windsurfing.

I met Jim, his then wife Gillie, and their daughters Jan (who was also one of the windsurfing instructors) and Kim, and they were all lovely people.
Sail on Jim, on that eternal broad reach - you were a sailing star and you will be missed by many.
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Well-known member
26 Jan 2004
Northern Europe
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I am shocked to read this news about Jim ,
we had communicated in the past with email and I have passed on info For his webs site ,
Even tho I not met him personally it feel we lost part of our community.
I know he was well though off in the cruising world by cruisers from all over the world .
RIP Jim .
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11 Sep 2014
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Twister Ken
You have your facts wrong
JimB did start a novel sailing programme in Greece it operated as Dinghy Sailing in Greece, CPT, Falcon Sailing and Sovereign Sailing. An MBO in 1994 saw it move to the Sunworld Group and after joining with Neilson Ski in 1999 it rebranded as Neilson Active Holidays - where it is now the UK's leading activity holiday tour operator - still owning and operating 80 flotilla yachts in Greece and Beach Clubs around the Med as well as ski chalets and hotels and is once again an independent company with the same values that Jim and his wife Gillie installed way back in the late 70's. Barry Neilson runs an outfit called Sailing Holidays.