Jenneau 45.2 2000


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2 Dec 2004
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Folks: I have the option of bringing up to the Chesapeak our 2000 Jenneau 45.2 (5.2 foot draft) currently in the Sunsail fleet (lease agreement expires in July '05), or selling it. I have sailed on the boat twice and have had little experience with this type boat. I am impressed with comments from the forum and would like to get thoughts. As with many, I have no intentions of sailing it around the world, occasionally down to the Carrib but mostly around the east coast of the US, predominantly the Chesapeak . Thoughts? Thanks. Malcolm

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27 May 2002
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Chesapeak = warm weather and light winds?

You will want a large wind catching rig so a modern fin keeler sounds just the job. Is draft an issue in the Chesapeak?

Word on the street is that Jenneau are one step up the quality ladder compared to the bulk of the AWB market.

The only problem I foresee is the SunSail association. Last year a UK magazine featured an in-depth review of a purchasor's sorry experience of buying an ex SunSail Caribbean boat. Post purchase the new owner had to fork out $30,000 to replace a poor repair made to the hull during SunSail's management. Hurricane damage was suspected.

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