Jaycar Ultrasonic Antifouling Review


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2 Nov 2011
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Hi everybody, this is my first post here. After reading USAF posts over the past 18 months, I decided to write about my experience. I have a 22' Center Console boat which sits on a mooring in Sydney, Australia. It is in warm, shallow water near the beach, and barnacles were becoming the bane of my life. Standard antifouling paint lasted 6-8 months, and by 12 months I could not get the boat on the plane. Only regular scrubs from professional divers made yearly antifouling possible. Understandably, I jumped when Jaycar advertised its USAF kit for $249. I must have been one of the first people to buy and fit one.

Anyhow, this is my pictorial story:

This is ROMA II

I last antifouled it on February 2010. For those who are skeptical, here is the receipt:

On 6th January 2011, the professional diver gave me this report. As you can see, the hull had hard and heavy growth, and the antifouling was now gone from some areas. The guy called me and told me to get the boat antifouled, as it would be too hard to clean it again next time.

Here is the report:

Three days later I installed the Jaycar USAF at the rear, close to the transom. Here is a picture of the transducer:

The control box was placed nearby, close to the battery. I installed a 40W solar panel, as the boat was on a mooring.

On 2 November 2011, eleven months later (and 21 months after the last antifouling), I had the boat on the slip and I quickly took a few photos with my iPhone. The result was so good, I nearly cried. Previously it only took 12 months for the hull to be covered by barnacles, oysters, mussels, sponges, coral and a surrounding ecosystem of crabs, funny looking worms and so on.

This is the boat from the front:

Viewed from the rear, I found no hard growth. The soft growth was visible in a few places, and could easily be removed with a finger nail or brush:

Most of the soft growth was near the transom, particularly on the bung. I wonder whether being plastic, rather than fibreglass, it dampened the ultrasound waves:

Here is a close-up of the growth:

Overall, I am really, really happy with the result.

Now for the problems:

1. The USAF drains the battery, and the 40W solar panel is not enough to keep the battery adequately charged. The regulator cuts off the USAF before the voltage drops too far, so the battery is not ruined. When I want to go out on the boat, I turn off the USAF and wait 15 mins for the panel to put some juice back into the battery. The motor, a 90HP Evinrude Etec then starts well.

2. Does the USAF harm marine life? They say no, but when I installed it I dived under the hull to see if I could hear anything. When closer than 20cm, I heard an ear-splitting high-pitch sound, probably transmitted through the skull rather than ear drums. I moved away quickly but I suffered tinnitus (ringing in both ears) for the next 24hours. It was highly unpleasant, and I won't be doing it again. It was like the day after a rock concert, but worse.

In conclusion: I'm happy, and maybe a bit deaf, but I believe the USAF has already paid for itself.

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Well-known member
3 Jan 2007
South East UK
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Jeese Julian, tinitus in both ears for 24 hours does not sound healthy to me.

If this is a result of using such systems I for one will be giving them a very big miss.


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17 Jul 2003
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What a brilliant set of observations Thank you for that. Seems to have worked for you.Is it possible to put another transducer up fwr`d?


Active member
17 Jan 2011
Thanks for your comprehensive post.
I have just ordered USAF from Jaycar and will install it this winter so it will be operational after a lift out and clean. I hope I will get results as good as yours.
I was gratified to hear that the US output was as loud as you say though sorry about the tinnitus! Water carries sound very well so would not expect problems due to airborne transmission - this has never been commented on.
You must have ( or had ) very good hf hearing!
There have been a couple of negative comments in the forums about Jaycar's service but I hope these are unfounded. If the kit does not arrive in a week or too I shall get worried.
There was a comprehensive post on the yachtie forum about building this kit which I shall be using as a guide.


15 Jan 2002
Hampshire, UK
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My kit has just arrived here in the UK. I ordered it on 28th Oct, the Parcel Force website said they collected it on 1st Nov, it was at the local depot on the 11th but VAT had to be paid first (our miserable demanding unstrusting civil(?) service, I selected delivery on 15th and here it is. Cant complain at that, Jaycar are faster than UK beaurocracy.


Well-known member
15 Mar 2005
East Sussex.
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Julian, What is the thing you have installed the transducer on? It needs to be on the hull, where the sound can pass through the layup. Your photo makes it look as if it is on some kind of extra thick or even hollow area. Try moving it to a flat area of hull, and see if it performs better.


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2 Nov 2011
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Julian, What is the thing you have installed the transducer on? It needs to be on the hull, where the sound can pass through the layup. Your photo makes it look as if it is on some kind of extra thick or even hollow area. Try moving it to a flat area of hull, and see if it performs better.
It's installed on the floor of the boat. There are only a few centimetres of fibreglass between the transducer and sea water. If you look at my last two photos, you will see a patch of growth on the left. The transducer is on the other side of that patch. I must say it's a little bizarre that seaweed would groow almost in a circle around the transducer. Maybe there's a perfectly clear explanation, but it is one which escapes me.


Active member
17 Jan 2011
Kit arrived on 16th, well packed with instructions. Jaycar say to allow 2-4 weeks for delivery.
Norman's point re mounting position of transducer is interesting. Ultrasonic vibes are used to detect flaws in castings etc because the flaw causes a reflection so it seems that transmission is likely to be best when the transducer is mounted to a large flat surface. Corners or some other discontinuity may cause a loss in transmitted energy because some has been reflected back. I wonder if the high frequencies heard by Julian close to his boat were an indication that energy was being lost into the water rather than zipping around the hull?
It seems certain that the better the mechanical connection between the transducer and glassfibre the more energy will be transmitted into the hull.
What an interesting little project!


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4 Feb 2012
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I am in tropical waters and have just fitted the antifoul device from Jaycar. Can anyone tell me how to test and what to use to see that it is actually working and what the output should be.
The boat has just been refitted out and new antifoul. It is a steel hull 38 foot and planning to put two devices on. I have one on but need to know its working before fitting the second.
any help would be appreciated.


Active member
17 Jan 2011
The definitive thread is
if you cut and paste into your browser it should work otherwise search in the yachtie reader to reader forum for an author called Norman E.
I have my kit and am shortly about to build it. I checked out the Sealine S23 I have and can only get decent access to the hull about 1 metre from the transom. It will have to do.
I shall get it working, apparently it ticks, get the boat out and pressure washed and see what happens. I reckon that if I do not lose any speed over the summer I have recovered my outlay!
Good luck, let us know how you get on.


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23 Aug 2015
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Hi to everybody
I bought the Jaycar antifouling system after reading the reviews on this site. Did the mounting right(I thought so) but everytime I switch the unit on I blow a fuse. I been through everything twice and can't find the issue. Can someone help?Thanks


Active member
17 Jan 2011
Hi to everybody
I bought the Jaycar antifouling system after reading the reviews on this site. Did the mounting right(I thought so) but everytime I switch the unit on I blow a fuse. I been through everything twice and can't find the issue. Can someone help?Thanks
My intructions list a 3A quick blow fuse. If your fuse is less than 3A that would explain it. If you have 3A or more or a slow blow then the fault is elsewhere.
Check your component layout in particular all the diodes in case any are the wrong way round. Check wiring to the transducer. The wiring to the circuit would appear to be good if the fuse is blowing.
Hopefully no harm has been done by an error as the fuse will have protected the circuit.
Jaycar may have some helpful comments to make.
Good luck.:)


5 Apr 2012
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Hi Julian, I've got an 18ft sports fisher in Guernsey and had to strip the hull and re antifoul in May. As its such a painful job I looked at multi season options and in the end went for Aquacote. With and introductory offer it cost me the same as traditional antifoul but in theory its supposed to last many years.

It works by having a hydrophobic top coat (very easy to apply, one base coat and one top coat). Fouling will grow but will just come off when you get moving. Anything that doesn't drop off you can wipe off by hand or with a squeegee or something. Ideal for your waters I would think where you can easily swim round and clean it if needed.

I've been really pleased with it so far (although only 3 months in) but definitely recommend it especially as its environmentally friendly with no poisons and potentially lasts many years. Also its easy to touch up if needed. Very little has stuck to the underside and just light slime around the waterline. I've swam round to simply wipe this off.

Might start a desperate thread on it with photos when I get around to it.


P.s. no connection to Aquacote just a happy customer.


Active member
17 Jan 2011
Just read the article again. If the supply polarity is reversed the fuse will blow.
I hope it is that simple.
Please let us all know how you got on.
In my case the hull was fairly well protected as only got slime on it but propellers badly coated in a local worm with a hard casing. I had not expected uhe USAF to touch it but it was so bad it rather swamped any gains made with the hull.
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23 Aug 2015
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Thank you for the swift reply. The original fuse was a F3A 250v.Since its weekend I did replace with a 2A250 volt slow blow and maybe this is the reason why but I still did not identify why the fuse blew the first time. Will go through my board again. I have identify maybe an issue with the IC1 that looks slightly bent. The transducer came already sealed from Jaycar so no issue there Will replace the IC1 tomorrow and see.
Did write on Friday to Jaycar in the first place but got no reply...


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23 Aug 2015
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That was my first guess but I did connect exactly as listed on the board batt 12V + to the marking + 12v on the board. Should I try to reverse it? I am really tempted.-smile


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31 May 2016
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As promised a while back, here are our conclusions concerning the Jaycar anti fouling system:

We installed FOUR units on our Beneteau 50, more than enough by all accounts.
And, after solving the fuse blowing issue (as reported in former posts here) we are VERY SORRY TO REPORT that we have come to the conclusion that they ARE NOT WORTH IT. Period.

Although upon inspection of hull we initially thought we saw some cleaner areas than usual, one being in the area where one of the transducers was installed, basically we have found no conclusive evidence of any improvement since using them other than a noticible increase in our shore power bill. Really!

How we hoped for something, ----anything(!) in the way of a good report. We would have been happy with even a MINIMAL improvement, but found none.
Your results may vary. (But I doubt it.)

For us, it was a complete waste of money and labor.


Well-known member
16 May 2001
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As promised a while back, here are our conclusions concerning the Jaycar anti fouling system:

We installed FOUR units on our Beneteau 50, more than enough by all accounts.
And, after solving the fuse blowing issue (as reported in former posts here) we are VERY SORRY TO REPORT that we have come to the conclusion that they ARE NOT WORTH IT. Period.

Although upon inspection of hull we initially thought we saw some cleaner areas than usual, one being in the area where one of the transducers was installed, basically we have found no conclusive evidence of any improvement since using them other than a noticible increase in our shore power bill. Really!

How we hoped for something, ----anything(!) in the way of a good report. We would have been happy with even a MINIMAL improvement, but found none.
Your results may vary. (But I doubt it.)

For us, it was a complete waste of money and labor.
Thanks for the update. Yep. Exactly what I reported a few years ago when I fitted u/s antifoul to my boat back in 2010 (in the western Mediterranean). Complete waste of money and time.