I live in another country ... and still proud of being English. It's not first country that I have spent reasonable time in ... in fact most of my life has been outside UK. One thing that surprises me is "others" saying to me ---- must be good to be British ... travel anywhere ... british, etc. etc. .....
Whatever we say - Britain is generally held in good regard - few exceptions of course most because of dear TB ... but still.
It's funny how many times out here that people remark - "can't believe that would happen in England .... " etc. when things come on TV news etc.
I like to fly my St. George and Union Flag - not as a Jingoistic Colonial twit ... (there's enough of those still in Bahrain as example !) ... but because it's my Home Flags.
In UK you are lucky that patriotism isn't rammed down your throats ... Out here in Baltics .... each house / building has a national flag and holder fitted to the front wall. There are specific dates that the Flag must be flown .... commemorate the few memorbale dates in history and of course they dwell on Stalin's deportations to Siberia ... flags fly on those dates with black streamer attached ... Fines if you don't fly on those dates.
Whatever we say - Britain is generally held in good regard - few exceptions of course most because of dear TB ... but still.
It's funny how many times out here that people remark - "can't believe that would happen in England .... " etc. when things come on TV news etc.
I like to fly my St. George and Union Flag - not as a Jingoistic Colonial twit ... (there's enough of those still in Bahrain as example !) ... but because it's my Home Flags.
In UK you are lucky that patriotism isn't rammed down your throats ... Out here in Baltics .... each house / building has a national flag and holder fitted to the front wall. There are specific dates that the Flag must be flown .... commemorate the few memorbale dates in history and of course they dwell on Stalin's deportations to Siberia ... flags fly on those dates with black streamer attached ... Fines if you don't fly on those dates.