I would be interested to know after seeing the fuss made between raggies, stinkies and ribsters, whether anyone has the same vehicle. There are people with 4x4's who never take them off road, I guess that could be like a RIB which is not used to it's full potential,then there are the stinkies who have a vast choice of ranges, do people generaly get a boat to fit their circumstances and usage or like cars, just want the biggest one with most gadgets on, and can't even drive it. Then there are the raggies which not knowing too much about them seem to be like the CV2 and Skoda owners who want good value for money motoring (e,g, no fuel bills), but I guess again there are very expensive raggie boats. BUT it may be that raggies, stinkies and ribsters actually drive the same car, what motivates their choice of boat and the subsequent rivalry once on the water?