Is there any money in boating as a career?


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18 Jul 2005
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I have this dream that I would love to give up my corporate life (and all the things that come with that!) and do something boaty. I toy with the idea of buying a boat to to take people out diving or fishing but having looked around I really can't see how to make a decent living at it. SWMBO is also on an upwards career and is loving the corporate life and is fast tracking up so a couple of years from now will be earning a lot more than my package so possibly may have options then I guess? Sitting in my office, writing a boring presentation for our upcoming "future leaders" and thinking out loud..........

Bloody hell, I'm still thinking this, I really do need to get off my arse and do something else!!!!!!!


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12 Dec 2004
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I've read this thread and cogitated my response carefully. I go on another forum for ex-pats and every now and then people come on asking about the possibilities of going over and setting up a business as they enjoy gong there for holidays and have got a few quid to spend (some don't have a bean though). The replies are generally along the lines of those above. Don't bother you'll go home broke and bitter in six months. There is a theme here. Surely some people must be better at business and make a go of bars or boats. Is it down to location or do people just want to play at being the boss of a business which used to be their hobby. I mean that in the nicest way.


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8 Feb 2015
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I think the answer has already been said. Too many people try and tap into an existing market opportunity that is already over exploited or try and create an opportunity where none exists and without careful market research. The answer is yes you an make a living on the water, overseas, where ever but the expectations need to be capped and realistic. And you may need to accept that the position and lifestyle that afforded you the boat in the first place is most likely gone if you make the leap, few make it wealthy enough to afford a boat doing this but you cannot deny many scrape a living in this trade sector. More often than not the failure of this kind of venture has more to do with failed planning and failed expectations (read dreamers) than denying any opportunity exists and the savvy to exploit it.


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27 Jan 2013
From what I see, people in this industry get involved because they believe a living can be be made from a lifestyle they either live part time or aspire to.
The evidence is that "living" or "scraping by" is the rule, and those that soldier on are usually financially underpinned by rich indulgent wives or pensions. Also once your passion becomes your livelihood it very quickly becomes just another badly paid job.
If you are fed up with your life then change it for something more challenging or productive, but stick to what you know.

Deleted User YDKXO

IMHO, people approach the idea of earning money out of their boating pastime from the wrong angle. I don't believe its possible to earn a living out of your boat especially if you want to use it some of the time but it is possible to mitigate some of the costs with some kind of commercial activity associated with the boat. For example, I see that some boaters are now offering their boats as B & B or simply as an alternative to a hotel room. If you moored your boat in a city centre marina, it could be possible to make a few hundred quid a month and with far less wear and tear than chartering. That kind of modest income could make the difference between somebody being able to afford to own a boat and not


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18 Jul 2005
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Thanks for all the feedback guys, I think I just need a kick up the arse and to get out of IT, specifically being an IT director. The money is good but is giving me no satisfaction apart from that.


Well-known member
12 Jun 2009
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Bloody hell, I'm still thinking this, I really do need to get off my arse and do something else!!!!!!!

A year or two ago, Transport for London were short of skippers for the Thames river busses and were recruiting people with minimum training and experience, putting them through the professional skipper's exams - if they are still doing it, and if you can stomach the thought of driving a river bus up and down the Thames for a couple of years, it may be a route to the qualifications to do more interesting things?


21 Sep 2014
Home = Dubai, Boat = Denia
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I reckon the boating lark in the UK is all too weather dependent, especially so if you want to earn a living at it.

One day, whilst in Oz, I was sitting gazing out over Morton Bay and I just happened to mention that maybe I ought to get an RYA Instructors ticket, and start teaching out there. I was told that they're crying out for RYA instructors. So that's one (seemingly good) idea, that I've still not done anything about.

Another was jacking it all in, and take up flying the Maldivian Air Taxis. Nothing to do with boats (other than they land / take off on water), but has to be one of the best jobs in the world.

the ex MD of Maldivian Air Taxis is a frend of mine, expect the same lifestyle as working in the Middle East, fine for a while but quickly becomes a chore!
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Active member
27 Jan 2013
Charter fishing contact says the only reason they go out this time of year is to catch their dinner and barter for veggies.
What I don't see is a consolidated national boat charter / fishing web site (with on line booking and payment). And how many head cases would pay to go out on a commercial deep sea fishing trip as an adventure experience?
Fwiw I went out with a Greek friend night fishing off Poros on his typical small fishing boat. Got back at 6am after a truly memorable experience. Took three days to get over the ouzo brainburn.

Mike k

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28 Mar 2011
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Charter fishing contact says the only reason they go out this time of year is to catch their dinner and barter for veggies.
What I don't see is a consolidated national boat charter / fishing web site (with on line booking and payment). And how many head cases would pay to go out on a commercial deep sea fishing trip as an adventure experience?
Fwiw I went out with a Greek friend night fishing off Poros on his typical small fishing boat. Got back at 6am after a truly memorable experience. Took three days to get over the ouzo brainburn.

This might partly accord with the booking website


21 Apr 2009
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full time for 32 years and although not made a packet have managed to bring up 3 kids and pay mortgage in that time,but hard work! and don't even think about it if you don't get a kick from being on the water everyday!!


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21 Jun 2004
Anglesey Wales
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full time for 32 years and although not made a packet have managed to bring up 3 kids and pay mortgage in that time
full time for a similar time with similar childers and a similar result
Not on the water however but eventually it became just a job and in the end I didn't want to do it
So that knackered the Hobby too
Part time earning a part time wedge for the last ten years on the water
So far so good still enjoyable
It if was full time I think, by now, it would have become a chore
The water is not always greener


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24 Jun 2003
Gibraltar, Small Boats Marina
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Thanks for all the feedback guys, I think I just need a kick up the arse and to get out of IT, specifically being an IT director. The money is good but is giving me no satisfaction apart from that.

Or change Location. Move to Gib, live on a boat and do IT here in the gaming sector. Change of life, change of pace, get to live on your boat and the wife can fly out for the weekend :)


New member
10 Nov 2009
Did it for 16 years. All the previous responses are right, you grow to resent being on the water, you resent even more the punters telling you you've got a great job! And it's impossible to go back to what you used to do.

One of the biggest attractions of a hobby are that its a hobby. Take that away and quickly loses a lot of its attraction.


Active member
23 Nov 2010
The Tropics of the English Riviera!
Thanks for all the feedback guys, I think I just need a kick up the arse and to get out of IT, specifically being an IT director. The money is good but is giving me no satisfaction apart from that.

I'm in the same position (except pay down here isn't so great) - handed notice in back in November and having now trained replacement, looking to go back to accounting. This time I hope to get qualified and earn a bit more - although last time I worked in an accounts/finance role I earned 50% more than now and that was back in 1998! Think what other skills you have and what occupations might combine a few of these perhaps? The trouble with IT is that it evolves so fast and to be any good, you're always having to evolve with it - I find that I'm often eating, sleeping and breathing technology! Some industries change at a much slower pace and are thus much less stressful. I've thought about the boating careers too and would love to do a marine engineering degree or similar, but like others have said I fear it may become a chore and suck out all the enjoyment...


9 Jul 2004
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I woke up and smelt the coffee 11 years ago, tired of being thrashed by IBM i jacked it in and moved to Spain, no job but no big expenses..

Looked at my skills and having been boating for 20+ years decided to do something with boats. Started a charter \ management company. It was successful but more lifestyle business. Spanish tax authorities trashed business opportunity so sold it.

Im now a skipper for a private yacht, work my nuts of June, July, August and a bit of September but the rest of the year pretty reasonable. Great boss, now ordered sailing yacht to travel further afield...

In short I dont make anywhere what I used to, but I go to work every day happy and content. I have put two kids through private education, we go on holiday etc etc so more than happy with my work life balance....

Doing your hobby as a job can take fun away but hasnt with me.