I have never seen so many posts from Herr Grupenfuhrer on one day, is he bored or could he possibly be posting under a nom de plume to stimulate more debate?
So Kim and nice Mr Light are one and the same person.
No wonder Kim is so quick to come back at him.
Well you could could'nt you.
"Blurb!" "You cant say that". Edit, Edit "Sorry". "Blurb". "Now behave". "Blurb" Edit, Edit Edit!!
"But I dont understand the humour on this site"!! Edit, "Blurb"
I trust you mean that in a non-confrontational way, without meaning or intending to cause offence, and in the event that any offence is taken by Kim or Mr Light (who IMHO doesn't exist), that you apologise in advance most profusely and respectfully?
Of course if you Haydn, take offence at the tone of my reply, then in the spirit of not wishing to upset anybody and with the best of intentions, it would be fair to say.... sod you.
Thanks for the appology Colin, you know it makes sense.
No I was just mussing and perambulating the posobilities thats all. Dont want to ofend anybody but was just going along with the train of thought!!
No! Perish the thought. I've always taken the advice on this board as gospel truth. That's why I fitted the immersion hearter in the diesel tank a while back.
Not me guvnor, I know nuffink. But I had trouble posting and wondered if Kim had had an attack of the petrolitis outdrives. And randomly banned me, totally understanderble of course in the situation (creep-creep).
Most recent known baning would be DF_Light, who seems to walk a fine line between being a twit and being an estate agent. Or have I just repeated myself?
With due apologies to all estate agents with the exception of DF_Light (I did see the post that Kim deleted!)
OK, OK, apologies. It's just that Kim snapped at me (in a friendly, non-confrontational kind of way) the other day, when I mentioned banning, and I get the impression he's still suspicious about DF.
So if:
it ain't you,
it doesn't seem to be any of the other usual suspects,
it isn't Kim playing it both ways,
what about someone like Pauline? Does this curious mix of knowledge and stupidity have the ring of a woman taking the mick out of the blokes?
With recent troubles, all phone calls to and from tall buildings have been recorded, and I have managed to find the tape of Kim interrogating DFL!
Kim : Is that DFL?
DFL: Yes, how can I help?
Kim : It’s about the forum
DFL: I haven’t got a forum, how about a 3 bed detached just off the A3?
Kim: no, Imean the YBW forum, on the net!
DFL: Okay, well there’s this one with four beds. Are you a cash buyer?
Kim: Not houses – boats!
DFL: well there are some houseboats on the thames, but they won’t be mortgageable
Kim: Look, just cut out the swearing, OK!
DFL: right, no more mention of that dreaded M-word from me!
You don't need women to take the mick out of blokes, you do a very good job all by yourselves. Plus Mr B doesn't really like me using bad language, so I definitely would not say B****ner.
Pauline B<P ID="edit"><FONT SIZE=-1>Edited by paulineb on Tue Oct 2 14:02:14 2001 (server time).</FONT></P>
But I thought that was the whole thing about 'net personas' - blokes pretending to be girls, girls pretending to be estate agents, journos pretending to be <AAAAARRRRGGGHHHHH THE CENSORSHIP RAYS FROM KING'S REACH TOWER AGAIN!!!!!>