No, No - this is forum for the "Solent and Falmouth boat owners association" as no one else exists according to some <A target="_blank" HREF=> as explained here </A>
Oh, silly me, of course you are right. Definitely a forum for just us South Coast sailors. Actually, I wonder if there is anywhere else? Heard strange rumours, seen strange writing I couldn't understand with odd words like'ra'. Yes you are certanly correct, just Solent to Falmouth. This is in reality all we managed to sail this summer, so I know that much is real!
According to research fewer people in the world have heard of the Solent than have heard of New Zealand so it must be pretty well unknown.
Even those who live nearby have never heard of it. For example, Arthur Grumble of Kent told the researchers that he thought "the Solent" was something to do with Easter.
<hr width=100% size=1>I am the cat but I am only 6.