Is it clever ??? or just plain s.....



Is it necessary to 'roar' through moorings, is it necessary to 'career' about marinas, is it necessary to set all boats rocking and pitching so that all are uncomfortable .....

Great big 'rooster tails' are fine out there off the beach etc., but right out of place through moorings etc.

Finger gestures to others when they call out is really helpful and really shows the difference between Man abd the Ape .... Man can be exceptionally rude.

Yes I am a 'raggie' but have had many years and still do enjoy days on the water power and sail. I enjoy speed and adrenaline as much as anyone, but I do not do it at expense of others.

Most of you are sensible and enjoy your sport / hobby without creating problems for others, but I have to say that there are more unreasonable motor jockeys than sail ....sad .....

Where I am at present - you lose your boating licence and agreement to enter / use the marina if you do what some UK boys do !


Well-known member
30 May 2001
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Unfortunately you are probably right in what you say. It is far easier for some idiot to buy a motorised craft and use it without instruction/knowledge/training than it is to do the same with a sailing boat.
That's just the way it is so please don't think that we all have tha same disregard for others, we also get annoyed by the stupid and thoughtless antics of other water users.


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16 May 2001
By the Sea
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Oh well, all things are relative I suppose. Do you know I was sure that motor boats were manhood extensions. Mine's a sailboat anyday, I wouldn't get mine out in more than a force 6 "wavelet"


I agree .... water is water, weather is weather, waves are waves ...... BUt then again stupidity is stupidity.

It is no good blaming nature, unless evolution passed someone by ??????

Having sailed for more years than I care to remember, professionally and for pleasure, I think the sea-condition is known !

What I am talking about is stupidity and likely 'showing off' that doesn't impress anyone except his / her 'friend.


16 May 2001
Any Pub Lancashire or Wales
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So Who Rocked Your Boat Then!!

So OK theres prats about, whats new.
Theres prats in cars,on motor bikes and push,bikes,
I,ve seen more prats on yachts than I care to remember.
But I dont invade there space on Scuttlebut to tell them so and insult the lot of them for the stupidity of a few.
But I've also encountered this year the stupidity of being told that I'm going too fast at 5 knots on my way out to sea.
It dont go no slower!! Well not if I'm supposed to steer the thing as well, unless of course I stick one engine in reverse and make even more wash.
So you see, theres all sorts of prats you meet on the water.
Just like in real life.



30 May 2001
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OK then-why are most Yotties so thoughtless?

I have been meaning to mention this for a long time. The -could care less- I am right jack- habit, of throwing permanent mooring lines onto the poontoons, without any regard for other users. There's been more than one occasion, late at night, tripping over bundles of discarded lines and nearly ending up in the drink. Many of which even scatterd across the main pontoons, making it difficult to wheel trolleys.

I actually watched some weeks ago now, a sailing berthholder, on the next pontoon, actually instructing some guests, "just throw the lines onto the pontoon". This was said in full view of myself- the gall of the person. There was not a breath of wind, so it was possible for somebody to hold the boat, while lines could have been laid out, neatly & safely. Is it too much trouble to get a rope or two out of a locker just to hold the boat, while the permanet ones are laid out of harms way.

This habit seems to pervade all ages of participants, the old and experinced as well as the young ones. What makes this worse, they do not seem to have a social conscience.

No Mr. Luther. I would suggest you cast the moat out your own eye first, before you have the annual, have a go at the motor boating fraternity.


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14 Jul 2004
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Re: So Who Rocked Your Boat Then!!

I have to say I agree fully with hayden, in this quote enlightened age unquote you are going to meet sh*theads and pratts wether in a car or a boat and heaven help when we get into space! The sad fact is that there is a total lack of accountability for actions taken. ok so some marinas may dispense a form of justice but until we are made responsible for our actions we will always have to put up with these idiots or have to deal with thier social workers!


Re: OK then-why are most Yotties so thoughtless?

I am not having a go at Motor boaters in general - you read me wrong .... I am having a go at the stupid ones. And believe me, there are some twat sailboat people as well.

As regards mooring lines, I use permanent rigged lines in UK and out here in Estonia. BUT a)they float, so that IF they fall in water, they are seen, do not get fouled in props etc.b)they are short, so don't affect anyone except someone stupid enough to 'nick' my slot !c)are laid along the 'finger pontoon' and NOT on the main access pontoon.

I agree that carelessly discrded lines are a menace and I totally agree that thought is needed by all.

BUT back to the main issue ..... why should I be put out by a minority who enjoy making others suffer ???

So sorry I object to y'er annual 'have a go at the MB fraternity', its seems that you may actually be guilty of having a go at the 'rag fraternity' !!!!


Re: So Who Rocked Your Boat Then!!

PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE ..... have a go at the idiot Sailboat people, you will be supported by me .....

There is no monopoly on stupidity or cleverness .... we all see 'em, on the roads, in the marinas, on the water, in pubs .... ad inf....

I see it as a means to air views and maybe make a few feel conscious of their actions .... posting where it hits best !

Is it any good posting about this on Scuttlebutt ??? Where majority appear to be Sailboat types ?

C'mon ... so your'e happy with the satus quo are you ? I'm not ... no doubt someone may know where I hang out and may think it clever to 'cut me a wave' or two in passing ..... good for them, evolution just proved its point !


30 May 2001
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Re: OK then-why are most Yotties so thoughtless?

Actually that is the first time I've complained about the sailing fraternity. I have been very tempted of late to put that particular point on Scuttlebutt, but have resisted because of the obvious reaction.
You obviously ARE aware what you are doing with mooring ropes. But tell me, why is it that aboard a boat, which is nearly always kept very neat and tidy, that they see fit to mess up walkways and pontoons with their lines? What's in their psyche that makes them do it.

I agree that 'yobos' with more money than sense can make life a misery, on both sides. This I have to say is a reflection on the times we live in.
I can remember a few years ago, being terrified by dinghy sailors on the Thames near Hampton Court area, who time after time kept heading across my bows, then tacking at the last minute. Initially, I throttled back, till I realised it was one big game to them, so I just kept on going.
I too have been buzzed by jetskis and speedboats while at anchor, & yes it does make me angry at the time.

Until the education system instills some form of social awareness into people, then I am afraid it can only get worse.

Can I suggest therefore, instead of having a go at each other, maybe some hints on correct behaviour should be posted, perhaps by the magazine experts, and indeed in all the magazines themselves, and maybe, just maybe, by time it might have an effect. Or is this just wishful thinking?


Re: OK then-why are most Yotties so thoughtless?

I think the reaction and what is now evolving on this posting is having an effect ????

Mag's are great for putting it about, but people only react and take it in when it HITS at them direct.

More postings highlighting others 'unsocial habits' and thoughtlessness I think is the way - sad but true.

All those that are socially minded, care about others reactions and take regard etc. know that these postings are NOT directed at them ... the ones that are at fault identify very quickly !


Re: OK then-why are most Yotties so thoughtless?

I don't think the problem types are likely to read bulletin boards or magazines any more than those who are featured each week in the Magistrates' Court page of the local newspaper will be shamed into changing their ways.

They have all learnt that they can get away with doing exactly what they want to do and whatever you say or do will produce even more of their anti-social behaviour tageted at you rather than everyone.

I know of no answer.