IoW Ferries look out this weekend!!!



trouble is that it doesn't work that way .... tons of steel against GRP is no contest .....

I am of the school it's better to keep out of their way and fight another day.

In Pompey one time I was coming out past a ferry that was berthed and as per normal he was running his thrusters to keep hard onto car ramp ... he saw that I would have problem crossing the wash - so he stopped thrusters while I got past ... I waved thanks - he waved back and went back to business ... me happy that I wasn't washed into the dock wall opposite ....

Generally I don't have much trouble with Ferries ... they keep to a regular 'corridor' and so are reasonably predictable ... so turn away - even if you are the stand-on ... why be so hard-minded ... I'm sure that Marine Investigators / Insurance will pass judgement that standing on regardless was foolish.

Now to thjose who will argue with that last bit - There are NO judgements of 100% blame to one party - why ? The rules make it clear that the action of one vessel alone if not suficient to avoid collision the stand on vessel shall take such action as necessary to avoid collision etc. etc.

So those who advocate stand on and damn the torpedoes are NOT following rules correctly............ initially yes they were - but they passed that point when Close-quarters situation developed ......

Having stood on ships bridges for 17 yrs .... I am amazed at the hardened view that some have about this ... to the point of being outright dangerous ..... don't get me wrong - I know Ian very well and know he is a responsible and good skipper who cares and acts well (sorry to destroy the carefully moulded view you have created .....) ..... and the rulkes are there to be followed ... but even the rules acknowledge the fact they need 'outs' and clauses to cover other incidents .....

This topic is one that revolves around and around .... with similar answers from regulars each time ...



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29 Apr 2003
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Nigel, What Ian and other skippers have noticed is that a few of the ferry jockeys appear to enjoy putting the frighteners on yachts. So much so that they have not been able to get out of the way, as the ferry has tended to follow their course alterations.

This may be a paranoia that has been developed, but I think that Ian is sufficiently experienced to know how to survive in the Solent and how to recognize unconventional behaviour.

Thankfully, I have not encountered this phenomenon, but it has made me very wary in that particular neck of the woods.


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16 May 2001
By the Sea
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'Tis just that, bit like nautical dressage, we turn away he turns we stand on, he comes at you I even scuttle off out of the way and hove too once to leave him loads of room when he was weaving about .. what clearer action can a sail boat make than that? - cheeky sod gave me 5 blasts.



That's not justice. It's oppression of legal demonstrators who did no harm!


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30 Jun 2003
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That's not justice. It's oppression of legal demonstrators who did no harm!

[/ QUOTE ]

I couldn't agree with you more. However, bearing in mind the subject of this thread I just found the headline rather amusing as I think the intended recipient did. /forums/images/graemlins/confused.gif

Actually, Ian, it's rather a good job you can't see a full size version of my avatar 'cos you might go into palpitations. /forums/images/graemlins/grin.gif


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16 May 2001
Isle of Wight / Jersey
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...they keep to a regular 'corridor' and so are reasonably predictable ...

[/ QUOTE ]

Unfortunately a number of people, including myself, have experience to contrary. The Portsmouth ferries seldom keep to the same "corridor" between Wooton entrance and the southern end of the outer swashway, sometimes seeming to make unecessary course deviations towards small boats in open water. This is the main issue.


OK - I give in !!

As many know my time in solent has diminished seriously over the last couple of years ... so things may have changed .... but each visit I have which includes boat-time ... usually involves from Chichester to west solent .... I cross the ferry routes .... I haven't really noticed much in way of this behavoir ..... I do not say that it does not occurr ..... we all know even the RN plays chicken with 'other' navies or at least used to - till Cold war stopped ....

I don't have sympathy with IoW ferries - don't get me wrong, but I also feel some boats are not as good in their conduct 'in front' of ferries .... Ian and most are good skippers and learn their rules / conduct etc. But there are clowns out there who hear a few excerpts of rules such as Power gives way to sail etc. and then try it on without understanding the full impact of their action.
I do not advocate compulsory certification for yachting ... but some owners are unbelievable ....... I may not be the best - but blimey some of em should be locked up and never allowed near a boat ... let alone drag their families out with them.

I sympathise with anyone who has had 'chickenp played' by a ferry ........... a few photos / reports to QHM / Ports Authority .... eben local rags if necessary ..... go for it !!