Now look er, it aint rule 9 in the open water bit in the middle- QHM said so there!
We are sposed to stand on in the middle bit.. I always keep away from their transits and Fishbourne entry - NEVER any trouble with the fast cats - I knows the engineer man and he is nice..
We will actually be on one of these craft this weekend as
1. Ayesha not back in water
2. Gill not up to sailing yet
3. Going to IoW by pubic transport for the first time
4 Want to watch them go for Ian
Will take camera onto bridge and photograph the event!
Any 'butters in Yarmouth for the weekend can come to the George and we'll have a jar.
Have a good weekend
Did you ask the QHM legal department tho? Cos if there was an incident the facts wd be that it is "within the limits of the Dockyard Port of Portsmouth" and the history seems to be (esp with you ringing qhm *again*) that you seem to be determined to prove a point, almost regardless of danger to you and your boat and crew in playing chicken with a car ferry. I mean - they would be able to quote this thread and some others too, no?
I'm not trying to prove a point - but I ask again wot we sposed to do? QHM said stand on!! If he said motor as fast in the opposite direction I would. It ain't always easy to see what they will do - some make massive course changes some just come at you.
Never had a problem with them. But I have witnessed what at a distance has looked a very close encounter. I think the ferry crews job can be very stressful, especially during Cowes week. I guess thats the time when they try to take leave.
I'm up there with Ian when it comes to their attitude on the Portsmouth route, but I watched them fighting a boat fire a couple of years ago and the skipper certainly knew what he was doing keeping the ferry on station so the crew could play the hoses.
In Wootton they are not confined to the channels - they now come down the outside of the piles to save waiting and still blast for everything to get out of the way!
Could be that the Lym-Yar lot are more circumspect since a few years ago one took out all the staunchions on one side of our club Westerly Tempest while thumping the other side into the moored Xboat fleet.
Don't ever get into a position where they can get you!
"I spose that in the east they are in open water and power gives way to sail - but in the west when travelling to IOW ryde or wooton they are still within the Dockyard Port of Portsmouth, confined to channels and should not be impeded by smaller vessels as under rule 9b ? "
TCM- When I used to sail in that area Ryde, Wooton and Pompey were in the East of the area and Yarmouth in the West! Have they moved or do you have the same problem with Port & Starboard?
On the other hand you may be confused by Charts being Head Up instead of North Up
Agree about being in the Dockyard of Portsmouth, but "confined to channels" ?
Who are you kidding ?
If they stuck to the main channels, their path would be at least be predictable. The hovercraft needs, umm, no depth whatsoever. The Ryde ferry can go wherever the hell it pleases, having a draught less than DianaII. Only the Wootton ferry would have any case for needing depth, and even then, there's plenty of it around.
Whatever the dockyard of Portsmouth byelaws say about trying to stay clear, colregs are colregs, and the ferry skippers know it. They know d*nm well that if they actually mow you down, there will be hell to pay, and many forms to fill in.