I think the forum was stingo's idea? Not sure.
Heny way.
I bought this catamaran in St martin (pix to follow soon) and thought I know - i will take it to the UK! And then probly take it back to caribbee in November 2007, why not. The alternative wd be to drag ashore fairly soon to avoid hurricanes, and no sailing, pah.
Ljs invited himself by saying huh where's this boat, i bet you will never buy one, and i sed oh yeah? - how about trip from falmouth eh? and he said ooh ok, and then I sed har har falmouth antigua. So it was too late to back out! hah!
I reckon 4 a good number, so para and tome sed they mite come too. But then tome sed too much work at work, and so stingo sed oh alright then.
So that's as far as we've really got. Nowhere.
oops yes.....The boat. It has old site at has info.
The name of the boat is Mojomo. That's the old owner writing the blog, Jurg, not me. He didn't much like sailing, i suppose, altho he did a fair bit in just four months eh?
I'll keep the name cos it's all over the sail cover and there's 28 t-shirts, and it's not a bad name either.
Heny way.
I bought this catamaran in St martin (pix to follow soon) and thought I know - i will take it to the UK! And then probly take it back to caribbee in November 2007, why not. The alternative wd be to drag ashore fairly soon to avoid hurricanes, and no sailing, pah.
Ljs invited himself by saying huh where's this boat, i bet you will never buy one, and i sed oh yeah? - how about trip from falmouth eh? and he said ooh ok, and then I sed har har falmouth antigua. So it was too late to back out! hah!
I reckon 4 a good number, so para and tome sed they mite come too. But then tome sed too much work at work, and so stingo sed oh alright then.
So that's as far as we've really got. Nowhere.
oops yes.....The boat. It has old site at has info.
The name of the boat is Mojomo. That's the old owner writing the blog, Jurg, not me. He didn't much like sailing, i suppose, altho he did a fair bit in just four months eh?
I'll keep the name cos it's all over the sail cover and there's 28 t-shirts, and it's not a bad name either.