Has any one out there had experience of using International Interthane 990 paint with roller and brush application?
Hull application in white.
Thank you John
I have the industrial grade Interspray 900 by International Paints, after doing the roller - trick a few times I soon found a good quality long bristle soft brush was very good on small items and can be done in one application. Larger areas can be done with the roller-brush, but after a couple I found it so much faster and a better finish to spray it on. The extra expense of erecting an enclosure with a filtered outlet to protect others is worth it, spraying with portable booth 2 days tops, roller-brush method can take a week and a lot more work.
I'm sure you can roll this on and tip off with a long bristle soft brush, but I think you will need to apply a few coats, the thinner each coat is the better the finish, could be 4 coats and a lot of sanding required.
Have a yarn with your local International rep, they have huge collection of information and data that will provide you with all the details you require and a bit more.
As Brian says.
Get in touch with International.
They are very helpful.
All of their products have seperate health/safety and application leaflets.
You will find that they will send any of them to you without any problems.
I probably have what you want here.
But, as I only moved house less than a year ago and everything is not yet unpacked, I still have great difficulty in finding anything.
It will need to be roller and brush. Because I have no spraying skills and the boat is closely surrounded by very expensive Oyster yachts. (the yard builds Oysters). Any mistake on my part and I would need to leave the country and join my sister in Perth, W. Australia!!
Maybe it would be better to use 990 as undercoat and then use something like 709 or Awlgrip as final. That might mean a reduction in number of coats and better finish using roller/brush method.
I will speak to International today, as was suggested.
Thank you both for your comments and safe sailing to you.