Active member
AIS and/or Radar are only any good if you can keep a watch on it. This isn't possible when single handing when even if the screen is on deck, the Yachtsman has many other calls on his/her/its/their (pick the pronoun of choice) attention. I don't have AIS myself so I don't know if you can have audible or on-screen warning of the potential of standing into danger but I have been crew on boats when someone has been able to continuously monitor traffic on AIS and in these cases it seemed to be a valuable addition.
The presentation also makes a difference. Software like OpenCPN does a very good job of presenting CPA information, whereas if your plotter only displays "triangular confetti" you might have a bit harder time. With a clear display and course vectors enabled things are much simpler. For example, I can tell at a glance that in just over 12 minutes the dark blue-flagged vessel will pass astern of the green-flagged vessel at the very bottom center.