

New member
17 Nov 2001
Lyme Regis, Dorset
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In a ‘soon’ issue of PBO, we shall be doing a personal review of insurance, similar to the recent report on Internet trading, to which members made an interesting contribution to broaden our own research.

The insurance feature will be a similar project, looking at it from all sides ie insurers, loss adjustors, surveyors and we who pay the premiums.

If you have any serious comment, or anecdote – good or bad – which you feel should be aired to help other boat owners positively, or to avoid pitfalls, I should be grateful to learn of them, either by open forum, or by PM, or via an email address on pp2 of Alternatively, we can make telephone contact.

It is always good to talk about boats.

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11 Jan 2002
Caribbean at the moment
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Re: bad insurance experience

I'm afraid I've had bad time with most of the big marine insurers. Lots of damage boat with all the bills BUT the gits wouldn't pay up, wouldn't even entertain the claim. Thieving ratbags. I think the whole industry needs a good shakeup, they just don't seem to care AT ALL the moneygrubbing selfcentred profiteers. They kept saying that they'd "never heard of me" and i "hadn't bought any insurance" from them. And this wasn't just one of them either - they ALL had the same weasly excuse. Ok, so I hadn't bought a policy BUT it was fairly clear that they have no idea of customer service whatsoever- i explained that it would be common courtesy to pay me out so then i'd actually WANT to be a customer, but oh dearie me no. Now, if that happened in my industry we wouldn't last two minutes, blah etc drone...

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