Important announcement: The CB forum is moving


Well-known member
29 Nov 2009
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Hope YBW keep this forum, or something with a different name that is identical in content. Perhaps we could have an "Old Boat Owners Forum"??

No need - as has been pointed out several times, the renaming already happened months ago when Chelsea bought the magazine. It used to explicitly say "Classic Boat", now it's just the "Classics forum".



Well-known member
27 Dec 2004
Marine Surveyor in Barbados
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I would like to suggest, as politely as possible, that the new Owners of Classic Boat magazine should seriously re-think this (possibly daft) idea of theirs, re moving the whole Classic Forum (including all the history) over to their website.
Gentlemen (and Ladies) of Classic Boat, no doubt you have heard about people 'killing' forum threads with a comment or opinion that nobody can find fault with (or be bothered to reply to)?

I think that if you move this Forum, you will probably 'kill' it in the same fashion, just on a much larger scale.
Please take note of the number of posters who have mentioned above how they will not bother to go and log in to the new Forum if it is taken away from here.
I have a feeling that if you do proceed with this plan, you will find most emphatically that they (myself included) are in a majority.

I am a member of a Tall Ships Forum - when I joined 9 years ago it was very busy, a hive of activity - it was probably 'busier' than the Classics Forum is today. It was like this for a few years, and then the Owner (a private individual who is a keen tall ship sailor) was forced by various circumstances beyond her control to take the Forum from the previous host (Delphi) to GoJabber.
We lost a very significant number of members in this move, although in the following years some more joined (very slowly).
Then GoJabber went bust (or something like that) a couple of years ago, and the Forum was moved to here - - and it is almost dead now.
And I think the main reason for this was the 'upheaval' as a result of the two physical moves.

So, Classic Boat, if you have already paid IPC for lock, stock & barrel of this Forum - please re-consider, and give them back the loot - you can use that dosh for setting up your own Forum on the Classic Boat website.
And if everybody plays nicely, and promotes each other occasionally, then both Forums should benefit.

Changing tack slightly now, Facebook has its advantages, but there is no compulsion to sign up with FB or even to become a 'friend' of (or 'like') CB's Facebook page.
Facebook is what you as an individual wants to make of it - it can be as private or as open as you want it to be.
A classic example of this is the FB page by Joliette of this Forum, detailing the re-build of his lovely Sonny Levi designed Settimo Velo power boat.

If you want to document something for posterity (like an excellent boat restoration) FB is an excellent medium for doing just this - anybody who wants to follow progress only needs to sign up as 'liking' the site, and then you have access to everything (or maybe some stuff might still be hidden, if desired?) that is posted re this progress.
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Captain Coochie

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19 Apr 2003
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I think we are being ignored chaps . So time to bring out the big guns .

I would be interested to know how the sale of the members content on this forum went ? As far as i am aware anything posted ( including pictures ) can be used by whoever you had a contract with when you joined " The forums " but a new owner would have to have a new agreement to use such content .
So .
Has my IP been sold ?
Have my pictures been sold ?
Has my constant waffle been sold ?
It would be nice to know what part of me you think you own :)


Lord High Commander of Upper Broughton and Gunthor
8 Apr 2007
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When you sign up to the forum, you grant IPC a licence to use your posts...

This licence does not extend to IPC having a licence to sell your IP, mearly to use it in IPC publications or websites.

SO, Just so folks are clear, Chelsea Publishing does not have a licence to use your historical posts. The licence you have granted is with IPC.....

The IPC agreement does not extend to them reselling your IP........ They dont own the copyright on your posts.

Thats how I see it anyways....

Chelsea publishing needs to enter into a new agreeent with each poster before they can use your material.... even if IPC have not committed a breach by transfering your material, without a new licence then Chelsea publishing will be committing a breach.
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20 Aug 2007
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"Oh dear God. Are people really this thick?"


Why do you find it necessary to reply in such an offensive way.

I know little of the lexicon of the "on line" world.

That does not mean I am thick

I expressed concern for specific reasons (which I cannot go into here) and are none of your business anyway.

A simple Yes or No would have been quite adaquate.

Captain Coochie

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19 Apr 2003
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Back to the classic forum thing eh :)
I'm guessing this will get 2000 views before we actually get a comment from anyone that is supposed to be running things .


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8 Dec 2005
Cheshire, England.
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How about somebody putting up a poll.
I looked at doing it but for some reason the whole lot disappeared when I tried to increase the number of items to vote on.

I suggest a poll with the following.
1. Do you want the forum in it's present form with all it's past posts to stay where it is. Yes, no or don't care.
2. Do you want the Classic Forum in it's entirety to move to a new home. Yes, no or don't care.
3. Do you want all your user CP info to go somewhere else. Yes, no or don't care.
4. Do you want your user CP info and past posts to be available on Face Book albeit it in the meantime. Yes, no or don't care.
5. Are you happy for a new Classic forum to be created under the old name elsewhere. Yes, no or don't care.
6. Would you look at, Join and post in the new forum if it complied with your above wishes. Yes No.

It may be appreciated by a lot of peeps if any one who knows how to do it, puts a poll up.
and any other items you can think of.


Well-known member
19 Dec 2005
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I would say they've already made their comment - they told us what they're going to do:p

I can see why, having purchased the magazine they would want the forum that appears to go with it, however -

Personally, I feel they are making a mistake.

I suspect that many (most?) of the forum members here do not regularly buy, or even read, the magazines that these fora are connected to. In particular, I notice that many posters on "Classics" also post on the other sections - I don't suppose they subscribe to all the IPC titles.

I rather believe that most members like the broad range of related interests covered by the full set of YBW fora, and will not bother to switch to a new site just to discuss "Classic Boats" - I expect they will air their questions and comments elsewhere in these forums.

So, although the new publishers have bought the magazine, I don't see how that can include all the forum contributions to date, few of which (actually, virtually none) refer in any way to editorial features or other content in the magazine, and none by "staff" contributors.

Richard Shead

Slipped Anchor
14 Aug 2007
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To Quote

Michael Winner...

"Calm Down Dear..."

Firstly no ones details are being sold to Facebook....I suggest those not in "the know" about how it works try and gain a little understanding about Facebook before jumping to the wrong conclusions.

I will have some further facts for you later as I have only just been alerted to this post.

I dont know the facts right now but I do know we are VERY strict about data protection so much so it makes my job impossible as we are over protective.


Well-known member
29 Nov 2009
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I will have some further facts for you later as I have only just been alerted to this post.


I think it's filtered through to people that the Facebook panicking is a red herring.

The two main questions you might be able to help with are:

1. Irrespective of what Chelsea Publishing might be up to, is IPC going to close this forum on

2. Has IPC agreed to provide a dump of the forum database (existing posts and/or user accounts) to Chelsea, and if so how do they square that with their rigorous data protection policies and with the terms and conditions under which users agreed to provide the content?




Well-known member
23 Aug 2004
A tiny Island, Caribbean
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. . . One of the main changes will be that the Classic Boat forum will no longer be part of Instead, it will sit happily as part of the website.

We will be moving all your conversations, threads and user names to the new site next week.
Best Steffan Meyric Hughes, news editor

Any update on that date?

Please comment on the privacy of info act etc in this regard.


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25 Jun 2003
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Why doesn't YBW just start a new forum about classic/wooden boats around here
named differently....?
there are forums about all sorts around here
its obvious there should be a classic forum as well here...


Well-known member
29 Nov 2009
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Why doesn't YBW just start a new forum about classic/wooden boats around here named differently....?

They have done.

As has already been explained several times in this thread.

This forum was renamed months ago - it used to explicitly reference the magazine Classic Boat, now it's just the "Classics Forum".



New member
23 Sep 2009
Minehead / boat Porlock (I hope)
Intellectual property

copied from another thread :-
"Maybe the announcement should have been worded better so as not to spark off the "paranoia"
"We will be moving all your conversations, threads and user names to the new site next week."

My main issue is that we were not asked

Intellectual property (IP) is a term referring to a number of distinct types of creations of the mind for which a set of exclusive rights are recognized—and the corresponding fields of law. Under intellectual property law, owners are granted certain exclusive rights to a variety of intangible assets, such as musical, literary, and artistic works; discoveries and inventions; and words, phrases, symbols, and designs. Common types of intellectual property include copyrights, trademarks, patents, industrial design rights and trade secrets in some jurisdictions.
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Richard Shead

Slipped Anchor
14 Aug 2007
Time Inc.
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Feedback regarding the change over....

Following the recent posts on the Classic Boat forum, I would like to clarify for people from our perspective what is happening with the migration of the Classic Boat forum from to Chelsea Publishing.

IPC Media sold the magazine Classic Boat and the associated Classic Boat website and forum content to Chelsea Publishing late last year. Chelsea Publishing now own all Classic Boat trademarks, content and associated data including forum names and email addresses of people who have posted to the Classic Boat forum. As a condition of the sale, Chelsea are warranted to maintain all the data protection clauses and rights of the data they acquired from the sale to the same degree as that which applied to IPC when they were the owner.

The Classic Boat forum and historical content will hopefully move over to Chelsea at the end of this week. When this is completed, will be launching a separate, new forum area dedicated to enthusiasts of classic craft which will be entirely independent to the existing Classic Boat Forum as owned by Chelsea Publishing and hosted on their site.

Rest assured you will retain your membership of all the forums and your log-in details, password etc will remain unchanged.