If you can't find YM at a newsagent near you...


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18 Jan 2005
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Why isn't YM (or other IPC sailing Mags) stocked in major supermarkets? When I'm dragged around our local Tesco or Sainsburys by Mrs Piddy, I always look to drop a latest issue in the basket, only to find they aren't there - loads of mags for ladies or cycling but none about sailing...
I would have though Hampshire would be an obvious place to stock them?


Richard Shead

Slipped Anchor
14 Aug 2007
Time Inc.
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Why isn't YM (or other IPC sailing Mags) stocked in major supermarkets? When I'm dragged around our local Tesco or Sainsburys by Mrs Piddy, I always look to drop a latest issue in the basket, only to find they aren't there - loads of mags for ladies or cycling but none about sailing...
I would have though Hampshire would be an obvious place to stock them?


Indeed it would and we have a team dedicated to Marine to ensure they get where they need to go but alas the large supermarkets operate in strange ways and I can assure you that we do everything in our power to ensure they are where they need to be.

I can assure you we would prefer them to be there than not...

It will change from month to month from store to store.

This is one of the reasons we have launched this campaign so you can get the magazine if you are unable to find it.



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20 Oct 2011
Virginia Beach, VA, USA
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Indeed it would and we have a team dedicated to Marine to ensure they get where they need to go but alas the large supermarkets operate in strange ways and I can assure you that we do everything in our power to ensure they are where they need to be.

I can assure you we would prefer them to be there than not...

It will change from month to month from store to store.

This is one of the reasons we have launched this campaign so you can get the magazine if you are unable to find it.


I enjoy travelling from Italy to other European airports (Athens, Munich, Amsterdam etc) as I always pick up the latest hard copy of YM and PBO on the newsagent stand - bit of a blow paying 12 Euros for a copy but needs must and all that......

I for one enjoy reading YM and PBO and appreciate any effort by the publisher to make them easier to get.


Richard Shead

Slipped Anchor
14 Aug 2007
Time Inc.
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Must be Friday ...

It's on sale at most newsagents, supermarkets, app store and Zinio and now delivered to you door.

I think that's just about covered all bases ? For now.


Well-known member
7 Jan 2008
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I've always found it strange that my local Waitrose (one has to keep up standards after all) stocks Yachting World alongside Private Eye on its very limited magazine shelves, but not YM. I sometimes flick through it before deciding every time that very expensive yachts and/or racing expensive yachts still doesn't interest me.

When I then pop over to W H Smith to buy some stationery, I know exactly where Yachting Monthly is on their extensive magazine shelves, but I won't normally ever flick through it, let alone buy a copy.

When my subscription copy of Practical Boat Owner arrives in the post these days, it sometimes stays in its plastic envelope for quite a while until I even get round to opening it. It then gets read in dribs and drabs, often as a 'nightcap'.

But I probably spend - on average - an hour each day on Scuttlebutt and very little time at all on the PBO forum.


Richard Shead

Slipped Anchor
14 Aug 2007
Time Inc.
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Does that offer really apply to


as well!?

No wonder printed media complains its going down the tubes.

I don't follow ? You are the other side I the planet ? Printed copies will take time to get there. If you want to pay the postage we will send it there ?

Or go digital and have it on the day of publication ?

Richard Shead

Slipped Anchor
14 Aug 2007
Time Inc.
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I've always found it strange that my local Waitrose (one has to keep up standards after all) stocks Yachting World alongside Private Eye on its very limited magazine shelves, but not YM. I sometimes flick through it before deciding every time that very expensive yachts and/or racing expensive yachts still doesn't interest me.

When I then pop over to W H Smith to buy some stationery, I know exactly where Yachting Monthly is on their extensive magazine shelves, but I won't normally ever flick through it, let alone buy a copy.

When my subscription copy of Practical Boat Owner arrives in the post these days, it sometimes stays in its plastic envelope for quite a while until I even get round to opening it. It then gets read in dribs and drabs, often as a 'nightcap'.

But I probably spend - on average - an hour each day on Scuttlebutt and very little time at all on the PBO forum.


Waitrose will stock all copies at some time. Also depending where your Waitrose is will depend on what's stocked (their rules )

My local one ( Twickenham) does not always stock Rugby World ...

If it were that simple we would be everywhere but I don't follow the expensive mag rack comment ? Most monthlys are the same price.

How much is a packet of cigerettes nowadays ? Or a pint of beer ? Makes a mag good value !


Well-known member
20 Nov 2011
Sydney, Australia.
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I don't follow ? You are the other side I the planet ? Printed copies will take time to get there. If you want to pay the postage we will send it there ?

Or go digital and have it on the day of publication ?

Its pretty simple - really, someone made the offer - if you cannot find a copy at your local newsagent you would send it free of charge. So will you send it to Australia - that's what the offer says.


Well-known member
7 Jan 2008
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If it were that simple we would be everywhere but I don't follow the expensive mag rack comment ? Most monthlys are the same price.

How much is a packet of cigerettes nowadays ? Or a pint of beer ? Makes a mag good value !

I was referring to my having little interest in expensive boats, which is why I don't buy YW.

The world is completely awash with magazines, books, and digital information - so rather than being driven by cost, we need to choose what time we can allocate to different media.

Richard Shead

Slipped Anchor
14 Aug 2007
Time Inc.
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I bet they wished they had not started this one!

No because in the terms it says UK only.

If it is not clear in the offer above I will have it made more clear in the morning.

As always trying to make life easier for folk ends up in a fight to see who can discredit us the fastest ...