If you can't find YM at a newsagent near you...

Richard Shead

Slipped Anchor
14 Aug 2007
Time Inc.
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I was referring to my having little interest in expensive boats, which is why I don't buy YW.

The world is completely awash with magazines, books, and digital information - so rather than being driven by cost, we need to choose what time we can allocate to different media.

Indeed a very true statement re time ...


Well-known member
20 Nov 2011
Sydney, Australia.
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There was no intent to discredit, at all, but I note the clarification to the first post - 'in the UK' - which was not there from the outset.

I enjoy an international subscription - and had no intention to embarass.

I just like, as do the administrators, that the content is as accurate as possible so as not to encourage anything that might discredit. The administrators will jump on anyone that steps over the line - offers making suggestions of largesse should be looked at critically. Someone needs to set a good example - and that should at least be 'the employees'.

You run an international forum, so treat it as such - or be considered simply a UK based publication
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11 Nov 2007
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Waitrose will stock all copies at some time. Also depending where your Waitrose is will depend on what's stocked (their rules )

My local one ( Twickenham) does not always stock Rugby World ...

If it were that simple we would be everywhere but I don't follow the expensive mag rack comment ? Most monthlys are the same price.

How much is a packet of cigerettes nowadays ? Or a pint of beer ? Makes a mag good value !

Where I am the pints and fags cost less but UK mags and papers cost more. I pay for an on line copy of my local paper which is very reasonable but still fail to see why an on line subs for PBO/YM cost more than buying the paper version which throws in the online version as a free extra which seems to indicate the online version costs the publishers virtually nothing


Well-known member
20 Nov 2011
Sydney, Australia.
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This is all about increasing readership - and there is nothing wrong with that. More readers, more advertising, more revenue, better articles, or I assume that's the theory. Any idea the offer is, solely, altruistic would stretch my credibility.

The initial post suggests to me it was written by someone who thinks of YM as a British mag, or they would clearly have indicted the offer was for the UK only at the outset. Considering this parochial mindset, conscious or subconscious, maybe YM should have a look at better tapping into its International market. Most newsagents in Sydney have a 2-4 copies of YM on the shelf by air and then slightly more cheaply, but later, 2-4 copies by sea. I assume the copies are sold and not pulped - maybe if YM gave the mag a slightly more international and challenging, see below, content these numbers would lift.

Someone said they as likely buy PBO as YM, as they have the same content -surely PBO did not also manage to stretch an article on parallel rulers to 2 pages and have 5 pages of highly technical (?) information on thermos (and managaed to omit it was invented by a Scot). I recall only 12 months ago YM had their Crash Boat Test series and a long running series on sea-cocks - what happened to the in depth (and unique to YM) investigative technical reporting? As a post implied everyone does 'how to moor', 'how to change an impellor' - YM needs to differentiatiate itself if it wants people to search it out (or have free copies sent). Otherwise its an impulse buy and most will take what's on the shelf, PBO and/or Sailing Today.

It is odd that PBO might be stocked instead of YM, but I have this suspicion YM is stocked in some outlets instead of PBO?

If readers did find the articles on parallel rulers and thermos, rivetting and thought provoking I'm obviously wrong - but it would not do if we were all the same!



Well-known member
20 Nov 2011
Sydney, Australia.
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YM, PBO and ST have the stats of where their readers are located (as opposed to their nationality or loyalty to (dying?) icons) but I note that a significant number of people who post on YBW, both the PBO and YM site, seem to be based, in the spring, summer and autumn, overseas, largely in the Med. What they do in the N Hemisphere winter is a mystery (read back issues of YM?) I equally note that all three magazines do not represent this shift in location. Their readers might be 'Brits' (some might be based in, Turkey, Oz, or even America) but this is not reflected in the editorial (when was there a seriously educational feature on sailing in, say Greece, or the pros and cons of being sailing based in the Med?)

Offering free postage for YM for UK resident sailors needs to be paid by someone - and YM costs 2 - 3 times in Oz what it costs in the UK. Its editorial is UK centred, how many of the those vacuum flasks are available in Oz or Greece?, purile (?) parallel rulers! get real. If YM want to survive they need to move, and quickly. The Crash Boat Test series, the seacock investigation etc crossed international borders - lose, some of, the parochial articles and maybe you will not need to offer free postage - the international readership might pick up some of the slack.

Yes I know one can subscribe on the internet - but the whole point of this thread was focussed at the impulse buy, not the people who have a subscription - so think about attracting impulse buyers in Southampton or Canberra, or Le Lavandou as if you can get them to buy twice, or thrice - maybe then they'll suscribe to the electronic version.

I was told by an executive of YM that the readership was based (this is based on a 1 year old recall - but I can check the email if required) on people who owned their own yachts, usually over 35', the readers were usually professional (whatever that means) and when something went wrong - they paid the monies (ie they were cash rich - basically they do not do their own antifouling). Maybe the readership has changed (and I am sure many do their own work - and enjoy it) but how many of them do not know the difference between a Bretton Plotter and a Parallel Ruler (how many care?) and how many would not simply throw away the thermos (if it did not work) and buy a new one. Other mags can do this - YM has shown it will, or could stand out. If they do not do it now - who will and what then YM? a simple note in the obituary pages?

Get all uptight and even defensive - but a response might be enlightening.

And do not blame me - you set up the thread.

20 Jun 2007
Live in Kent, boat in Canary Islands
... Their readers might be 'Brits' (some might be based in, Turkey, Oz, or even America) but this is not reflected in the editorial (when was there a seriously educational feature on sailing in, say Greece, or the pros and cons of being sailing based in the Med?)...
Or in the Canary Islands!

Fully agree with everything you say, I'm fed up with reading about the bloody Solent!

Richard Shead

Slipped Anchor
14 Aug 2007
Time Inc.
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YM, PBO and ST have the stats of where their readers are located (as opposed to their nationality or loyalty to (dying?) icons) but I note that a significant number of people who post on YBW, both the PBO and YM site, seem to be based, in the spring, summer and autumn, overseas, largely in the Med. What they do in the N Hemisphere winter is a mystery (read back issues of YM?) I equally note that all three magazines do not represent this shift in location. Their readers might be 'Brits' (some might be based in, Turkey, Oz, or even America) but this is not reflected in the editorial (when was there a seriously educational feature on sailing in, say Greece, or the pros and cons of being sailing based in the Med?)

Offering free postage for YM for UK resident sailors needs to be paid by someone - and YM costs 2 - 3 times in Oz what it costs in the UK. Its editorial is UK centred, how many of the those vacuum flasks are available in Oz or Greece?, purile (?) parallel rulers! get real. If YM want to survive they need to move, and quickly. The Crash Boat Test series, the seacock investigation etc crossed international borders - lose, some of, the parochial articles and maybe you will not need to offer free postage - the international readership might pick up some of the slack.

Yes I know one can subscribe on the internet - but the whole point of this thread was focussed at the impulse buy, not the people who have a subscription - so think about attracting impulse buyers in Southampton or Canberra, or Le Lavandou as if you can get them to buy twice, or thrice - maybe then they'll suscribe to the electronic version.

I was told by an executive of YM that the readership was based (this is based on a 1 year old recall - but I can check the email if required) on people who owned their own yachts, usually over 35', the readers were usually professional (whatever that means) and when something went wrong - they paid the monies (ie they were cash rich - basically they do not do their own antifouling). Maybe the readership has changed (and I am sure many do their own work - and enjoy it) but how many of them do not know the difference between a Bretton Plotter and a Parallel Ruler (how many care?) and how many would not simply throw away the thermos (if it did not work) and buy a new one. Other mags can do this - YM has shown it will, or could stand out. If they do not do it now - who will and what then YM? a simple note in the obituary pages?

Get all uptight and even defensive - but a response might be enlightening.

And do not blame me - you set up the thread.


I am not blaming you for anything, all I am guilty of doing is highlighting a new service to readers, yes only in the UK but there alternative ways of obtaining YM overseas if need be.

Despite your reservations I can assure you it has been set up to allow those who have difficulty finding a copy to obtain it a the click of a mouse.

Naturally the editorial department will have read your comments and I will leave it up to them to reply if they feel its appropriate.

Perhaps we can get back to subject now.

Thank you.


Well-known member
20 Nov 2011
Sydney, Australia.
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You missed a minor point,

Its not altruism, its about increasing readership - or am I just a cynic?

Readers have the same focus, we want more readers - because more readers means it is a better magazine. Discounting the price does not make it better and I'm not convinced will necessarily generate significantly more readers (though fully accept I know nothing of the publication industry). If it were a 'must have' read people would go out of their way to find it - and would not need incentives.

So can we stick with your focus, trying to get more readers.

Richard Shead

Slipped Anchor
14 Aug 2007
Time Inc.
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You missed a minor point,

Its not altruism, its about increasing readership - or am I just a cynic?

Readers have the same focus, we want more readers - because more readers means it is a better magazine. Discounting the price does not make it better and I'm not convinced will necessarily generate significantly more readers (though fully accept I know nothing of the publication industry). If it were a 'must have' read people would go out of their way to find it - and would not need incentives.

So can we stick with your focus, trying to get more readers.

Do you know how many independent newsagents are closing down each year?

Do you know how difficult it is to get a listing in a major grocer? (ie Tesco)

There is no other way of putting this but this offer is simply to make the magazine more accessible to folk who perhaps don't have a local newsagent or a Tesco that stocks YM.

Nothing more, nothing less.

You have some valid points and these have been passed to editorial but please do not try and look at this offer in any other way than what it is.

To make YM more accessible to readers.



Active member
12 Jun 2001
Me: Surrey Pixie: Solent
But if they can do it at the cover price for the paper why of why can they not do it at a sensible price for the electronic version.

I think you'll find IPC do the digital copy for the cover price as well :)

Same content, same price:D

Just cos it's digital it doesn't mean it's "cheaper"....OK they are not paying printers for the paper and ink, but Apple, or Zinio and Apple, don't distribute the digital copies out of the kindness of their heart, they take a percentage. I was shocked to find out how much they take.

I'm sure Richard will be along shortly to explain :)