The site is <A target="_blank" HREF=></A> Seems quiet a good little site. The rooms are private so no toms,dicks and harrys dropping in willy nilly
Do it like this <A target="_blank" HREF=></A> So people can just go straight to it.
If your gonna set up a chat room, has to have simple instructions. Tried your link, don't work. Tried using the applet to stick in new nick=BrendanS. Don't work
What the hell is the sign up procedure....just post a link to sign up, then tell us which forum to go to. I'm pretty IT literate, so if I can't get in from information provided, most others won't
Seems a very strange thread. Massive instructions on here about how to talk on some where else, where everything is that small, you can hardly see it and nothing seems to work.
Am I missing the point??
<font color=blue>
No one can force me to come here.<font color=red> I'm a volunteer<font color=blue>