I have just been Alan Mackie'd

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23 Oct 2016
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All this obfuscation is getting boring.

Two questions:

1. Is AM going to sue DW?

It's looking more and more likely based on his continuing silence but it depends if there''s a formal prosecution, which is unlikely.

Once I get a report back from Trading Standards I'll be in a better position to advise you. That may take another week or so.

Any help?


4 Jul 2004
Banned from Rockall
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Yup - the first mention of £450 was by Bru in post 46, but I don't know how he came by that figure. Others, including Dylan, mentioned it subsequently.
I should probably point out that Dylan stated that he "got home to find a demand for £450 from a scottish snapper".

You tube rules the universe

it is a brilliant platform - it really deliivers the bandwidth. High hitting films will be stored on google servers all over the planet. If you put a film on vimeo it will sit on one server - maybe in san francisco. If you click on the film it will have to snake its way across a continent and across an ocen - if you click at a busy time then it will take ages to arrive.

Click on that same film on youtube and it will be on a server in London and manchester and seven places in the USA and in australia too. Google also owns some very fat pipes. Their technology is blooming brilliant.

The other thing that google does brilliantly is to offer you stuff you did not know you wanted. because it knows so much about who you are and what you like - what you buy on the web, even what is in your emails (I assume) - the so called big data. This they combine to offer you those tempting titbits you get down the right hand side of the google page.

One bloke I met in scotland - a Centaur sailor - says that he only watches my films via vimeo downloads - where they look the best they can ever be.

However, when I asked him how he found me he said that google had offered him this film

click on that and it will open in a new window - now look at the films it offers you on the right hand side - they will taylored for you and your proclivities


this has had 54,000 hits over the two years it has been up. - that would be worth $54 in advertising revenue - provided it had no music in it. The vimeo downlaoding Centaur owner who found me from youtube has now watched all my films and that one bloke has probably tapped me the $50 over the years

So you can make films but unless they are on youtube it is like running a shop up a dark alley with the blinds down and the door locked.

as for people making money from youtube

at $1 per thousand even LaVagabonde would only earn $250 per film

far better for them - as they do - to just accept that it belongs to google once it is on the web and find another revenue stream

Lavagabonde and most of the other bikini clad wenches who wwind winches in hot places do not make money from youtube but from the patreon accounts - in other words they have created a revenue stream outside of the control of google. For the Lavagabonde people that is currently running at $7,000 per film - and they put a film up each week. They have now been offered the free use of a 40 foot cat for a year. Goodonem I say.

there are one or two highly publicised people (publicised by google) who earn money from google - the odd beauty blogger etc - but even they earn more money from sponsors or appearing at events. The last event I appeared at was the boat show in kip. PBO does not pay for speakers but they did offer me a jacket provided I write a review on it and Kip have offered me a berth for the wintter at £25 a week.

Films of an ugly bloke sailing a series of crap boats up muddy British rivers is a very niche market.

One bloke says he likes my films because my boat is nearly always the crappiest in the anchorage and he is too embarrassed to watch the winches and wenches on his big telly in case his wife catches him at it. My films are tit free.

I get lots of emails from blokes saying that they like my films, have watched scores of them but would rather spend money on their own boats than give me money to keep on making the films I completely understand.

I always send nice emails back saying thanks for watching the films and I would love to see some snaps of their boats

you wuld be surprised at how many really are cruddy little boats like mine - although some of them are real gin palaces.

the good thing about using youtube is that every hit on the films - even from people who will never pay - encourages google to offer the films to more people - and about one in 20 coughs up some cash. So the more non tappers I get the more tappers I get.

the good thing is though that it it has not cost me anything to get those copies of the films onto those 19 non paying desktops

things are getting better now that people are able to watch the films on their big tellies

some are watching with their wives (no tits in my films) and they see them up against net flix for which they pay through the nose - so the odd dollar paypalled to the witty fat bloke in the shit boat who tells them stuff they did not know sometimes happens

It has been a fascinating decade doing this - the journalistic journey has been much rougher than the sailing journey

I went from earning £800 a month via youtube back in 2009 to zip all overnight when they killed my adsense account

then I had subscriptions for downloads, then I sold DVDs (those have now died) and now I depend upon what one chap earlier described in this thread as rattling the tin - nice wake shot as an avatar by the way.

No idea why the mobo boys ever watch my films - the films are not for them, they don't pay and they make big wakes. Sadly almost no-one makes decent mobo films - or not amny people write books about mobos either. Discuss.

Rattling the tin is a humiliating way of keeping sailing but it has allowed me to supercharge my sailing. Without the 2,000 odd blokes who tap in occasionally I would be just schlepping up and down the blackwater in essex drinking coffee and getting on first name terms with the local birds while waiting to drop into an early grave.

above all I am really enjoying my sailing - although weds when the wheel fell off the trailer and I got home to find a demand for £450 from a scottish snapper was not a good day.

It is an amazing feeling when one of the forumites who has always regarded me as a sponging parasite actually starts watching the films, gets a bit hooked and then sends me $5


I am enjoying scotland - but it is good to be back in the lowlands for a while though



Well-known member
8 Aug 2013
SW Scotland
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That is correct for a person convicted in England and Wales.
There are parallel texts for Scotland and E&W.
The text applicable to Scotland was not altered and remains a rehabilitation period of ten years [Section 5, Table A] with half that for those convicted when under 18 years of age.

Thank you. What determines the "spentness" - is it the jurisdiction under which the sentence was imposed or the jurisdiction in which the person lives?

If, for example, someone applied for a job in England five years after finishing a six month sentence in Barlinnie, would their sentence be spent or not? Conversely, of course, does someone applying for a job in Scotland five years after finishing a six month sentence in Holloway have to declare it if asked?


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8 Aug 2013
SW Scotland
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Further South, as a clue it's on the West Coast of England. The marina had an unfortunate accident some years ago but thankfully no-one was injured - and neither was that boat. I enjoyed my time at the marina - the staff are excellent. I wished I had a twin keeler though for exploring the area properly.



4 Jul 2004
Banned from Rockall
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All this obfuscation is getting boring.

Poecheng, please go and get the popcorn.

salty or toffee?
Will some virtual popcorn do?


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23 Oct 2016
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I should probably point out that Dylan stated that he "got home to find a demand for £450 from a scottish snapper".

And in #83 he added:

> he is betting that I will not be prepared to travel to scotland to defend myself from the £450 bill he wishes to impose on me

Both statements are stored safely for evidence if needed. And not just by me.

Foot, shot?


Well-known member
16 Jul 2014
Chatham Maritime Marina
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Taking aerial photos and selling them is a nice little earner. Most clients pay in advance, legally, others pay in arrears after trying to get away with theft. They're all entitled to pay.

I want to hurt the pockets of people who use my work illegally to make money for their own corrupt businesses.
Can you explain how a photograph in a blog is actually helping to sell the videos that Dylan is making. They can all be viewed for free on youtube, some old timers may prefer to buy a DVD. His "income" is mainly from donations. Also he is a retired gentleman, so not using his web site for a main income.

Your comments on this forum has been enlightening as to you way of tackling the 1 in 14,000 you are unhappy with. The comment quoted above does show a very hard attitude by including "They are all entitled to pay" and the word "corrupt" Also your long detailed legal comments again do you no real favours and enforce the idea of a serial litigator.

The idea of protecting your assets is understandable. But in the world of modern computing, the law is being outdated quicker than any changes in the law are being considered. I still cannot understand why you do not mark your images to show they are yours. This could easily be done on a corner and would ensure they could not be used without recognition of your web site.

The increase in traffic to your web site would certainly be partly due to the publicity on this thread. I certainly never heard of your web site before and have visited a number times to check a number of things, including your coding.

Earlier in this thread I advised Dylan to remain silent and his posting of videos shows he is reading, but is sensibly keeping his comments to himself.
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