i have been thinking


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3 May 2002
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Currently mrs s is glued to a programme that tells her what to wear. As i type there are 2 Hennes bags one gossard bag and three other bags that i cannot see the name of, all laid out from the latest exped to the shops.
all of these bags have, apparently, been filled on principles laid down by her gurus who are called transvestite and savanna
the kitchen is laid out in accordance with grand designs and we are seeking an escape to deep into the country ( a farm next door being not enough)
we have all house contents laid out infront of the box if antiques roadshow is on,

why are there not programmes that reflect the myriad of sailing experinces/lifestyles

can't liveaboard wont liveaboard
good boat bad boat
escape to the gaff rig
ready steady sink
and what not to hoist????

have i spotted a gap in the televisual market
who is up for being trannny to my savanna?

<hr width=100% size=1><font color=red>if guinness is good for you. i must be very very good</font color=red>


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16 May 2001
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Just given up on that one too! Then some duch wiping 7 years of grime off some blokes sink!

So, what DO you think you look like in that Silhouette? Why the Laser, what are you trying to prove - eh? And that old grey beard shouldn't be seen anywhere near an AWB.

No, it's a narrow boat for you. Draw your lines out nicely. Have you seen your arse when you're rowing? That yellow Musto stuff does you no favours. Here let's grab your.......

NO! keep em away, please.

<hr width=100% size=1>


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3 May 2002
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right that is it
i want nay demand the bbc allow me in return for watching their poor output i am allowed the million pund boat experiment
stage 1
i want to buy an old gp 14 and convert it to comething akin to a silhouette by extending the rear and carryinmg out an extensive refurb of, the frankly pitiful, cockpit, i expect to to add to the foirepeak space by use of innovative extension of the prow area.
from thence i hope to move upto a silhouette. the low headroom can be rectified by the additiion of a more sensible coach roof height, the addition of a galley and the new coachroof being accomodated by a fractional rig and overlapping genny
this boat will natch go for 25 k

with my 25 k i expect to get a second hand moody 32
extended rear and aft with a special ne wrear garage for a speed rib and a new marble top galley i fully expect it to raise 4ok

thence onto a swan 37
which i will refurb with balcony private garden and spa i hope to make 200k

from their i will buy an old trawler which i will convert into a floating peice of conceptual art price 750k

finally i will buy an ex RN destroyer which i will spen 1m quid creating a marble walled casino which will fail totally but the beeb will help me out and foot the bill of the lot and claim gthe whole thing a success

<hr width=100% size=1><font color=red>if guinness is good for you. i must be very very good</font color=red>


Well-known member
16 May 2001
France, sailing Aegean Sea.
Will you burst into tears when the marble-topped galley cracks across due to flexing of the hull? or when the yard manager tells you that the 'bargain' you have just bought is suffering from osmosis and dry rot that will take more than the purchase price to fix?

These are the basic requisites of this type of programme.

And where will you find a couple of 'nice' boys to present this programme? Not in these august pages, I suspect. Any HWMBOs around?

<hr width=100% size=1>


Well-known member
18 Jun 2001
In the far North
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Jimi and Para

After all - they are away again together this weekend and when I suggested that I could make it they were definately cool with me.

<hr width=100% size=1>regards


Well-known member
19 Dec 2001
St Neots
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Re: Jimi and Para

My recollection of the matter wa that we implored you to attend! In fact you said you had better things to do, there was the small matter of stencilling the hallway, varnishing the floorboards and going to a rendition of Handel's Messiah, not to mention the Mother's Pride March in Wigan on Sat morning.

<hr width=100% size=1>.. when's that again, but ..