I have an elderly friend.......


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19 Feb 2002
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,,,,who has been asked to assist an acquaintance, to help move his new boat from Portsmouth to Falmouth next weekend. My friend though, has a rather chequered history when it comes to being part of a delivery crew, having one or two high profile disasters posted in his log. My dilemma, should I persuade my friend to be honest for once in his life, and own up to his past disasters, or should he keep quiet and hope it all goes OK this time?

I really don't know what to do........

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11 Jun 2002
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Re: Off you go!..

..keep quiet. It will making interesting reading in a weeks time! /forums/images/icons/laugh.gif

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31 May 2001
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I suspect I know your friend, an ex-rallyiste called Mikkola Nikkola Sonn. I believe you should advise him to go, after checking the owner's insurance policy most carefully, finding out ports of refuge from which he can fly back to Hythe Home for Confused Mariners with the least expenditure of bakseesh in the case of survivable disasters, and making sure he takes his Ikea-approved front bedroom furniture repair kit with him, as well as a spare engine.

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9 Jul 2001
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Re: confession time

it is not clear, given the age of your friend, just how long ago these disasters took place and whether or not s/he has now learned from them. Of course, these events could be heaven sent rather than man-made. The sort of things I'm thinking about here are gale force conditions cross channel, being stormbound in N. African port of refuge, skipper of nearby boats having a sudden loss of ability to helm etc etc. These could normally be explained as Acts of God but some might also espouse (and I count myself among them) the notion of the jinx - s/he who has a magnetic attraction to life threatening phenomena. In the interests of friendship, you must of course come clean. Otherwise, your friend might consider that a parting of the waters across Lyme Bay is an everyday occurance or that giant sea snakes off Start Point are all part of the excitement of weekend sailors. This way too, your friend has the option of choosing to sail the passage with someone rather more likely to bring reasonable odds of 'things' happening. If your friend buys lottery tickets, I would certainly suggest an alternative crew member, or to suspend his gaming habit for at least a week. I hope this helps.

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Well-known member
19 Feb 2002
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Re: confession time

Following the forums advice, I have persuaded my elderly friend to come clean to his acquaintence about his various misdemeanours. I am pleased to say his acquaintance has been more than accommodating, and is still willing for my friend to join his crew. However, the crew has been expanded by two, one a professional skipper (though my friend had one of those on board during the foray to the North African port, and look where that got him!), and a "doorman" who will be posted outside my friends cabin to ensure he is kept confined to quarters throughout the voyage, and kept out of harms way. My friend has been very grateful for the advice given by la creme de la forumites.

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