Huddersfield to Hamble


Active member
1 Oct 2001
Had my first visit to Hamble Point Marina yesterday (having gone incorrectly to Hamble Marina first) and was quite surprised at what I saw. Expected it to be full of boats, which it is, and was pleasant to wander around, but was surpised at how many of the brokers/importers of some great names are all squashed together in mainly ramshackle buildings or parts of a warehouse. Just wonder what substance lies behind the businesses, actually went to look at a boat with Sea Ventures, no one around in the office to help etc, boat was grubby and not prepared. I had hoped for a test sail but was warned it was too busy because of Cowes Week, in reality the place was dead quiet and it could have been done. Then got interested in another boat with X-Yachts, saw that it was 15-20% below the market price so I asked what the history of the boat was and was told by 'smart alec' that the history of the boat was what you saw when you looked her.
Hmmmm, not very helpful. All sorts of reasons could explain the price difference, if there was a problem I would expect him to point it out, if it was just cheap then that needed explaining as well, especially to someone who had come down from Yorkshire!

So yet again the trade managed to avoid taking money from me!!


Well-known member
16 May 2001
France, sailing Aegean Sea.
Ah! The Yachting Industry! I also find it extremely difficult to reconcile the press releases, glossy photographs and editorial text of the magazines with the reality. I'm not saying that these yards necessarily are not staffed by knowledgeable, experienced people (although some clearly are not) but the commercial outlook of most brokers leaves a great deal to be desired. Even the grottiest of used car salerooms at least cleans the cars and makes some attempt to entice the buyer. Motor caravans are often sold from salerooms that are quite palatial and there is usually, at least in my experience, someone around who gives every impression of wanting to make a sale. In many yards it is difficult to find anybody who is interested. Perhaps the difference is that yards don't own the vessels, whereas the motor trade does.

Last year we sailed up the Orwell with the intention of visiting Fox's of Ipswich. This was solely on the basis of its history as a long-established yard, trumpeted many times in the yachting press. What a dump it turned out to be. We motored in, viewed the dilapidated pontoons, dodgy cleats, ancient sheds, cramped layout and other attractions, and motored out without stopping.


16 May 2001
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Last time we attempted to get a test sail down there, we were told we had to put down 10% of the purchase price to show we were serious. Us Yorkshire folk must look pretty thick to them smart southerners!

Maybe that's why we purchased from a Spanish broker.


had the same experience myself, bought the boat from new and have had no end of problems with getting repairs carried out under warranty, so decided to sell boat and buy a different make...only the new "dealers" dont return my calls or send the brochures when they say they will so Ive scrubbed them off the short list as well

maybe Ill buy abroad as well.


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11 Jul 2002
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As an ex Huddesfield man now in London and sailing from Gosport I commiserate. We recently changed our boat but bought a used Dehler through the main brokers at Hamble point who were helpful.
I guess the Moodys second hand sale at the same time as the Soton Bt Show may be an opportunity for you.


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7 Sep 2001
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Why don't you report this kind of behaviour to the company, that they represent IE: the boat builders, if they are agents for them? If they are totally independent, go elsewhere! I'm sure there are others who will be glad to take your money, try Berthons, always treated me with a great deal of respect and I'm a Scot, with Lancastrian leanings!! If you can work that out!! :)


Active member
1 Oct 2001
Colin, I suppose I could report it if I could be bothered, don't believe it would make much difference at the end of the day. I forgot to mention that I had made an appointment to view the boat with Sea Ventures.

This little experience is the tip of the iceberg in terms of stories about trying to buy a boat, am saving the others for another time.

Suffice to say that I am no longer prepared to accept second rate service and information when dealing. This is based upon that starting point that many out there play on people's lack of knowledge and experience (some would say 'ignorance' but in my book it is the seller that is ignorant if they assume the buyer is not "in the know" because people learn quickly)

Sorry can't work out the Lancastrian-Scot bit, unless of course you mean that you prefer Lancashire to Scotland which is understandable! Have a good break and don't let your bottom get too pink:))


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16 May 2001
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Re: Sales Prevention Officers

This, (the attention to customers) was also illustrated in the recent YM report on buying new abroad. Re the condition, after trawling round the these yards and doing the second hand boat show a few years ago, we went and ordered the new one.


Well-known member
31 May 2001
'ang on a mo, I'll just take some bearings
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Cornauille Yachting

Although we never consumated the relationship, I did have a very satisfactory liaison with a company based in Benodet France called (I believe) Cornauille Yachting. They were able to offer me immediate delivery of a new boat for less than price of a 3-year old version in the UK.


I sold my last boat at the Moody Used Boat Show in 2000. They told me that smart boats sold... So we antifouled her, polished her inside and out and she got near the asking but... it was us the owners responsibility to keep the boat looking good... having said that all the boats that looked good got sold at the show and there were some lovely boats around... I do think though that brokers like car dealers should give boats in their care a wash and brush up before someone comes to view.

good luck and what are you looking for?



Active member
1 Oct 2001
Re: Cornauille Yachting

Will consider them in future, thanks Ken. Have reluctlanly more or less abandond plans to buy this year primarily because of poor service/information/action from the trade.

There would be a new boat parked in my berth now if folk had gotten their act together.


Active member
1 Oct 2001
Re: Moody Boat show

Thanks, will check this out nearer the time, it's quite a trip so will only go if there is stock of interest or haven't had a reversal

Haven't got time to go into short list as off on my hols in a mo and still lots of work to do!


New member
14 Jul 2002
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I empathise, though I found the Sea Ventures staff helpful and courteous, and one of the few brokers to actually return my calls. Nevertheless, I believe all the other comments hold and that is why I am just about to buy a boat in The Netherlands (survey next week). I have found in general that the brokers ther are far more helpful and the boats in MUCH better condition - the brokers appear to clean the boats before a viewing.

The main factor, depending upon the boat, is that I found much better value over there. For the cost of an Easyjet flight it might be worth looking in Belgium or The Netherlands, if my experience is anything to go by.


Well-known member
2 Sep 2001
Me - Zumerzet Boat - Wareham
It\'s not just buyers . . .

When trying to sell a boat I was met by indifference by a broker in Poole and total laziness by one in Weymouth. I supplied all the details and photos on a diskette and he couldn’t be bothered to print up a sales sheet.