How to read water separator contents?


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13 May 2009
Helsinki, Finland
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I have just re-engined and now have also one of these water separator gadgets fitted. How should I read the contents of the separator? Haven't had a separator earlier so don't really know...

There seems to be quite a lot of water and a layer of red stuff. Do I have the dreaded diesel bug? The tank was filled up for the winter –*it has no inspecting hole so and it is also otherwise quite inaccessible, so I can't check it.

I haven't fired up the engine yet as the boat is not in water.

Any ideas? Thanks.


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Well-known member
10 Jan 2012
South Coast
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He dismisses fuel additives as snake oil - and then admits that he has a magnetic device for killing bacteria.

I state I do not know whether they work or not, but they are promoted by VP - my emphasis is on prevention, and in my view a well founded part of an overall well designed fuel supply processing system. Once purchased they do not require any servicing or replacement.

I do not say additives are snake oil. They offer a cure, so yes if an owner is careless enough to let his tanks get out if control then fine, and i would reiterate it is fuel system failure that is the number one cause if engine failure, and this is completely in the domain of the prudent owner to control, so when his engine does pack up due to fuelling problems he should bear in mind this is likely his fault as he awaits the lifeboat or Seastart.

A career in the Royal Navy with high level training in diesel engineering and with fuel systems feeding gas turbines and diesel engines, large diesel engines, showed me that displacing diesel fuel with seawater to maintain ballast did not cause undue problems as long as the filtration process was properly thought out, and not an additive in sight.

I do appreciate that a majority of boaters do not have much diesel experience so have tried to impart some of mine, and in a manner not condescending. Some may not like what I have written, or find it too simplistic, but if there is to be criticism let it be accurate. You are of course most welcome to completely ignore it.

As long as my tanks are clean.