We have been very silly we should have spotted earlier that Jeremy/periwinkle/j.c - the impersonator of myself and others - had got access to the computer of a most respected contributor. None other than Gus.
Does the nutcase work for you Gus? No he cant do because your back clinic wouldn’t be open at the odd hours when he posts would it? Maybe he’s part of the cleaning staff, anyway now you know I’m sure you will be able to get rid of him.
I found your site fascinating Gus- so I’ll post the URL here to save people tracking it down via Linnet’s mag as I did. Check out http://www.whysuffer.co.uk and see what a jolly looking chappie our Gus is. You might also want to have a look at his boat on http://www.geocities.com/abrazenall/original_hull_and_keel_alteratio.htm
It’s a jolly good job you put that post on YW Gus, it really helped me in my sleuthing after Jeremy. Bet you are really pleased I’ve been able to warn you.
Which leads me to another topic. Various helpful people have educated me about ISPs and, as I understand it, a particular ISP indicates a particular computer. If that is the case don’t you all find it a little odd that at least 25 regular posters – including stalwarts like Haydn and MattS as well as oddities like Ickle and Bluebeard - seem to be sharing 5 computers which they use at random. My first thought was that they all use the same cyber café but as the "people" concerned come from all over the country that doesn't make any sense. In any case, they often post replies to each other within minutes and there wouldn't be any point doing that if they were in the same room, would there.
I cannot figure out why anyone would want to post under a host of different names but that's what it is beginning to look like and I’m afraid it has put me off for good. I want to exchange views with someone I know exists, who is doing what they say they are doing and posting from wherever they say they are posting; not with some pretend personality.
So, until Karl sets up some system that stops both the Jeremys and the multiple identities I will not even be looking at this site, much less posting on it.
Incidentally Karl, I am more than a bit pissed off with you. You knew Jeremy was upsetting me, you said you would root him out but you didn’t. How come I managed it, with nothing like your resources? Also, for the sake of those who do want to continue here, will you now please see that he never posts again?
Does the nutcase work for you Gus? No he cant do because your back clinic wouldn’t be open at the odd hours when he posts would it? Maybe he’s part of the cleaning staff, anyway now you know I’m sure you will be able to get rid of him.
I found your site fascinating Gus- so I’ll post the URL here to save people tracking it down via Linnet’s mag as I did. Check out http://www.whysuffer.co.uk and see what a jolly looking chappie our Gus is. You might also want to have a look at his boat on http://www.geocities.com/abrazenall/original_hull_and_keel_alteratio.htm
It’s a jolly good job you put that post on YW Gus, it really helped me in my sleuthing after Jeremy. Bet you are really pleased I’ve been able to warn you.
Which leads me to another topic. Various helpful people have educated me about ISPs and, as I understand it, a particular ISP indicates a particular computer. If that is the case don’t you all find it a little odd that at least 25 regular posters – including stalwarts like Haydn and MattS as well as oddities like Ickle and Bluebeard - seem to be sharing 5 computers which they use at random. My first thought was that they all use the same cyber café but as the "people" concerned come from all over the country that doesn't make any sense. In any case, they often post replies to each other within minutes and there wouldn't be any point doing that if they were in the same room, would there.
I cannot figure out why anyone would want to post under a host of different names but that's what it is beginning to look like and I’m afraid it has put me off for good. I want to exchange views with someone I know exists, who is doing what they say they are doing and posting from wherever they say they are posting; not with some pretend personality.
So, until Karl sets up some system that stops both the Jeremys and the multiple identities I will not even be looking at this site, much less posting on it.
Incidentally Karl, I am more than a bit pissed off with you. You knew Jeremy was upsetting me, you said you would root him out but you didn’t. How come I managed it, with nothing like your resources? Also, for the sake of those who do want to continue here, will you now please see that he never posts again?